Chapter 15: Gone

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Word count: 2275
I hope you guys enjoy it!


"Sam, did you get something out of him. Something useful?" God, I just wish I was wrong about Ernaline.
My dipshit ego probably ruined every chance of fixing the situation.
"He told us he works for Ernaline, but I suspect you found that out the same second you left. Otherwise, nothing." Sam was speaking as I looked at the men through glass. " what's his name?" "Jack"

Something is missing. Sam is known for doing horrible kinds of torture, but this man was barely touched. That means he gave up pretty easily.

As I walked into the room, he was sitting on the floor few places blood was coming from. "Alright Jacky, you better start speaking real deal or I will be finding my ways out of you" He finally looked at me, his face was cold like nothing could break him for the information, but his eyes were saying another way.

I grabbed him by his shirt I guess he put on after all of the bullshit, punching his jaw. "Oww, oww okay stop I will speak" Well that was easy. I might let him go if he behaves. I feel generous today.

"Speak before I lose it"

"I don't work for Ernaline, well I used to" He let out a big sign before continuing. "It was a year ago, but after some time I quit. Then, I started working for her father. I never got my tattoo removed because I don't like lasers. By the time, it was very useful, like sneaking up in your gun storages and making it look like it was the job of Silencers." He looked at the ground and stayed silent for a while, but after his eyes looked up again he continued scared of what I could do.

"Mr Fiaz thought he could break the deal you had, but now you two are dating so I don't think it was from usage."

Oh yeah, it wasn't of usage. No. Fuck I will kill someone if I don't kill myself. She doesn't want to hear or see from me. How can I fix this shit now?

You know what? This guy is dead, I can't face him anymore.

"I know the look Mr. Barnes, but let me say something before I die. Enzo is crazy, and his only ambition is to find and kill her the worst way possible. If he gets his hands on her.....I don't think you will be able to save her." Bang. He's dead. Great now I have a dead body, bloody shirt and oh yeah relationship I need to fix. What a horrible day.

"I just realized, shit the deal is off!?" Sam burst into the room shouting as he adjusted to the scene.

"Yeah but who cares, I will find a way on my own"

"Buck, I really thought you were something. You got so protective over her, caring and even let her beat the shit out of one of your best men just to tell me it was all nothing?" Coming closer to me, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe it's better like this Sam"

"Yeah, maybe it's better like this Bucky "

When I came back home, I went up to our mine room. Stepping inside the shower I tried washing off thoughts of her with hot water hitting my head. It was all useless as she, her smile, and her laugh were all that was on my mind. Water was dripping off me as I walked out, putting pair of boxers I made my way to the closet. In the corner of the room, I hid whiskey under piles of clothes. I got one bottle out, keeping the other on my eyesight.

I walked into her closet, chugging on the whiskey bottle. Everything there smelled like her.

I don't remember much after, the room was spinning a bit and I was dizzy.




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