Chapter 7: Anger

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Nothing to say this time except enjoy!
Word count: 2,222

"Oh, your home" She almost whispered.

I was in total shock, terrified. She was standing in front of me, blood covering her dress, her hair was now messy and down covering her face. She had many deep cuts on her legs and hands and a lot of bruises.

"Doll what happened"I tried staying calm, but I was so anxious and had felt a huge pressure on my heart.

"She's dead" She spoke as I stood up quickly catching her before she fell and lost her consciousness. I was panicking, my legs were shaky and I had a bad feeling hit my stomach.

I picked her bridal style snd rushed downstairs to the family doctor. As I laid her on the bed Dr Smith came in. She was worried about Ernaline's state, it looked like she has lost a lot of blood, and had some very deep cuts.

"What is your blood type, she has lost a lot of blood and needs it quickly" the Doctor spoke to me with a worried look on her face.

"O negative " I answered quickly giving her my left hand.

"Perfect, your universal blood donor" She quickly replied grabbing a huge needle and getting my blood after she santisied my skin.

I saw her transfusing the blood. As she started doing stitches. Ernaline was in very bad condition. She had a lot of purple bruises on her face, cuts on different parts of her body, some of them looked like a bullet caught her a bit.

Then I was thinking about what she said "she's dead". Who is she talking about? Is her second in command dead? Was that person reason she was so different when I came into her office? Did her father do this to her? He couldn't find out this quickly.

I don't know and that was terrifying me even more.

Ernalines POV:

I have just kicked James out of my office. I didn't want to, in fact, I wanted him to take me out of this paperology.
As much as I wanted, I figured out it would be best if I kept my distance from him. I was under a lot of pressure and had missions coming up. I watched as his tall built up figure walked out of my office dominantly, his black hair slicked to one side. He walked out shutting the door behind him hard.

"Come on I don't bite, tell me where's Harry" I smiled giving him an evil grin as my mouth formed a thin line. "I don't know" Man I had strapped on the chair answered whimpering, constantly pleading me to let him go. He was now covered in a lot of bruises from all the hitting he took. Nothing that could kill him. I want him alive, at least for now.

"Did you forget Silencers signature Thomas?" Cause I don't think you did, you have been in Mafia for what 10 years now? You know about that kind of stuff" He looked more terrified as I spoke those words, his pale face became even more white as I explained to him.

To me this man was nobody, but to Mafias, a man with a fearful reputation. And here he is crying like a baby pleading me to let him go. He was nothing more than a weak pussy all Russian men were.

"If I tell you will you let me go alive" He asked me searching for sympathy in me, which he or anyone else will ever find.

"Depends on how good information is"

"Harry's out on the local farm, it is Mafias. It's very hard to enter. I will give you the address " He spoke and one of my men got a small notebook abd wrote the address Thomas gave him.

"Could you let me leave please" He looked this time at everyone.

"I don't know, that wasn't very confident-" I stated but he cut me off.

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