Chapter 22: Prince On A Black Horse

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Word count: 1155
(Sorry it's short, fucking studies can be shit sometimes. Anyways, I will make it up to you!)
Enjoy the chapter!


It has been killing me to see her in this state, knowing I caused it. When Natasha picked up the phone and I heard her voice, I think my whole world died and came back to life again. On the other side, she hated the fact I was there to help, she hated me. Why did I have to mess everything? If only I haven't believed that guy. How stupid could have I been to believe one random stranger more than a girl that risked her life over and over for me? I really do deserve to ve hated.

I'm crushed by the sight in front of my eyes. There she is, a girl that I spent one night with, she broke my heart and left me to pick it all up, so she could do it all over again.

And I would let her.

She isn't the same woman I knew back 3 months ago. Now, she's very bruised, scarred and broken. I had to leave a few times but I spent most of my week here, in her room, where she lays attached to all of those devices.

It's been 6 days since we have found Enzo's location alongside Ante. She was in one of the rooms, laying on the bed unconscious with a lot of open wounds that were bleeding badly, that for a moment I thought we didn't make it on time. Somewhat, to luck of us all, she was alive. Weak, but alive. Deep down there I didn't want to face with the fact she's dead, and I believed every second, and I still do, that she will wake up.

I wanted to hold her hand, but again, who am I to do it? She hates me! Get it in your head James!

But I couldn't, I just couldn't. Trust me, I tried. I tried to get over it. I had multiple girls suck my dick and what made me come after 15 minutes was imagining her doing it, moaning her name. I was drunk most of the time.
Don't think I didn't try to contact her. I did call her 218 times in 2 weeks and gave up. She was gone.

My head was down in my palms as I rested my hands on my knees, rubbing my eyes, trying to tell myself this isn't real. But it is. It is real, very much. I shot my eyes open as I hear her groan on my side.

I don't really believe in God, but I guess we will thank Him for this.

She shuffles in her bed but stops when she realizes it hurts more to turn around. "Hey, hey doll, everything is good you're in a hospital bed just don't move. Doctor said you had a dew ribs broken, that's why it hurts to move."

"James" she breathes out before fluttering with her eyes to adjust to the light in the room, "I will fucking kill you if you don't give me some water" was all she said before sinking more in her pillow and closing her eyes. "Yes ma'am! Let me just inform the doctor and others you're awake. Will be right back with water!" I walk around the room trying to find fucking water, and I hear her groan as I speak to her, shutting her eyes tightly.

Shit. Shit. I forgot she has praise kinks! Seriously, now Ernaline?! Now you're turned on?! In this situation?

"James given some fucking water or I will stab you in your eyes so you look like Odin!" Her voice was raspy, a bit broken but it was there to flow with her personality. Nothing has changed. Ah, still the same Ernaline Fiaz as I remember."Here!" I say while slowly putting the head of the bottle on her swollen lips to help her with drinking.
Soon after Natasha entered the room, basically bailing her eyes out about how she shouldn't have left her, to not worry her like that again, blah-blah-blah! Some women shit I guess, even tho I was myself pretty worried. But I will never, ever, admit that. There was still one question roaming my mind.

Who the hell is Odin?

Not short after Steve and Nat had entered the room, the doctor has made her way in too. "Well miss Fiaz, how are you feeling?" Checking analyses she held in her hands, she asked in a rather...sweet voice. "Like a was tortured to death" Giving cold glances at the doctor that now looked very much pale she seriously answered.
Doctor Hilton was laughing a bit nervously, aware of the situation and her surroundings. "Well, I see you still have a bit of humour right there." She said grinning a bit as she read the second paper.

"I don't joke Miss Hilton"

"Yea-yes ma'am. It seems you have three broken ribs and severe cuts. By the tone you're speaking I suppose you would like to go back to work, but I strongly disagree. At least a week in bed and another in a wheelchair or chair. Now I would like to discuss something of a private matter" Ms Hilton put the papers on the table approaching her bed.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say here. They are my friends"

"Very well Ms Fiaz, as you wish." She said in a very polite manner, but she sounded a bit worried.
"Are you familiar with your miscarriage?"A-what. I would've thought it was my mind playing with me for revenge but then Ernaline spoke "Yes, in a matter of fact I am familiar with my miscarriage"
What? Who? When? And most importantly; was it mine?

"I see how things stand. On the teme, I would advise you that it may be a problem. You're still fertile, but I am recommending not trying to conceive in a year or two. About your sexual activities...... I restrain them for 6 months, until everything is fill healed.
About the stab you had, come to me every day at 1 p.m. so we can clean and bandage it. Is everything clear ma'am?" For a minute it looked like she was thinking about it, considering the order. Thinking about it like it was not necessary to follow it. She indeed was a weird woman.

"Yes. Everything is clear, you shall leave. I'm quite tired" she said in a quiet voice glaring at her until the poor woman exited. "Ahm-, Steve and I have some work to do too, we are going...bye!" Natasha yelled dragging Steve out of the room. Both of them were traitors, for different sides, yet at the same time, lovers. How weird.

After a dreadful silence I finally got courage and in a whisper asked "Was it mine?"


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