Chapter 23: Bittersweet

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Word count: 1704
A bit fluff here ;)
I'm feeling happy today.

"No," I said calmly yet firmly. "You are not going to feed me, I can do it on my own." Jame looked at me with a firm look on his face and as I was about to say that doesn't work on me, I may or may not give in on him. Just this once. A full spoon of milky liquid was already shut in my mouth. It tasted really good.

The doctor hasn't let me out of my bed unless I have to use the bathroom and that, was very annoying. I had a business to run Miss. Two. Of course, me being an efficient and smart, workaholic woman, I did manage to papyrology and some documents with my laptop, and I even had free time to make sketches myself. I miss doing it a lot, and now it feels so heartwarming that my passion was finally brought back. A small smile raised my face as those thoughts entered my mind, but I was interrupted as someone entered the room, and was suddenly reminded that James, bastard of bastards was still inside feeding me like a helpless girl for sure the hell I was not. "hey you too, what are you doing there?" Steve said leaning against the door frame protectively wrapping his hands around his chest. He really did look good in that blue sweater and long beard. I will ask Natasha how she feels about the threesome later on in the day. Before either one of us could answer Steve, he cut us out.

 "Are you feeding her with your cum?"

A non-translatable sound came from my throat before I choked on the liquid and started coughing and breathing hard like I was having an asthma attack. Did... Did Steve Rogers just make a joke? "Very funny Steve, now if you don't have anything smart to say, get out of the room." James hissed at Steve as I tried to bring together pieces of me that ran their own way in my brain block. "Uh, James, I never asked what that was, so I might ask now" Asking for an answer I cocked my head to the right a bit while facing him next to me.

"Milk, bit of sugar and some shit that bees feed their queen with. Apparently very healthy...however, not cum"

An evil laugh manage to escape my mouth while I was smiling like a madwoman, and James just rolled his eyes in response. "Doctor told me you can get out for an hour, so you might use it now." Putting the bowl of...bee food...? James said tonelessly and watched me like I was the only thing he has ever seen as I jumped up from the bed I was sitting."Really? No jokes?" I asked him childishly expecting him to confirm my expectations and start laughing but all he did was nod in response." Although, the doctor said you can't be alone and Natasha isn't here. I will understand if you don't want to go with me." I blinked, he looked, I blinked.

I jumped out, got clothes from the nightstand and run in the bathroom. "You dumb bitch, you're not stopping me from going out" I shouted as I went into the bathroom to change.

When I got out, James was sitting relaxed in sofa, having a phone call. When his cold blue eyes met mine, he immediately cut the phone call he looked very invested in short. He stood up only a few inches from me, looking me in the eyes and I looked back at him.
In his eyes, I could find numerous emotions, faces, colours, memories and mostly...regret...? "Uh, you never told me where are we exactly?" I finally managed to speak before inching myself away a bit, to break the tension.

"Safehouse in Canada. The safest and the biggest. Nothing gets in here cause people think this is Army's property."

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"Where are we heading? This is far away from warehouse James." I asked, running at a slow pace to match his speed. It seemed like we were in hurry to get somewhere, but I don't know where. "Patience doll, patience" Was all he said before heading towards the end of the path. Looked like we were finally out of the forest. It was almost the end of September, fall coming and the forest was in bright red colours, yellow and orange here and there. Finally, after 30 minutes of walking, James stopped. When I looked, we were out of the forest, around us a lot of grass, shrubbery and undergrowth, but that was all out of the sight as different plants with purple coloured flowers caught my sight. "What are those, they look so pretty?" I asked picking up a few, sniffing them.

They don't smell...

"Larkspur. What do you think, is it pretty?" He asked me, and of course, I said yes. It's beautiful sight to be taken in. "Come here, I want to show you something." And I did. Following him behind a hill, where a small spruce wood was in the middle of a long green field. "What are we doing here?"
"You're asking too many questions doll. Don't worry, if I wanted you dead I would've put poison in the food." Asshole.

I carefully watched him put under the tree a bag he was carrying, unzipping it, and get a blanket out, spreading it on the field. Getting out a basket with fruits, chocolates... basically... picnic supplies? When he finally finished, I heard him say "Now come on, sit down."

"Is that sushi?!" Squeaking out I pulled the box closer to me and opened it to look inside. "It is. I made myself, with help of chef of course. Natasha said you like sushi." James says smiling at me "Are you serious?! I don't like sushi!" I see his smile drop and twist in confusion "I love sushi" Putting the box to the side, I hug him tightly and I feel him breathe out in relief.

We sat down, across each other, eating sushi, enjoying the time, sight, random temes, overall each other's company.

"You have a smudge there" James said pointing at my jaw and I tried removing it with my fingers, but he just shook his head as a no. "Fine! You do it if it even exists!" He just laughed as I sat next to him, making him pull me on his lap, just a few inches between us. It looked like I was coldly glaring at him, but I was really just fangirling over his sky blue eyes. He inched closer, putting his hand and cupping my left cheek pulled me closer until our lips met. I felt a burning want rush over my whole body, dumping lust through my veins.
It wasn't a harsh kiss, it was passionate, slow, needy, cooperative. "You bastard" I breathe out pulling away from the kiss trying to look mad, but a smile made its way on both of our faces.

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Sipping hot chocolate, sitting on a swing I watch as the sun sinks in shades of yellow, orange and red, disappearing in the mountain. "You know, doctor said 1 hour, not 5" James says with a smile on his face as he closes the glass door, carrying one more cup of hot chocolate and blanket. "Who gives fuck about her, I'm already fine. She's overreacting, it's not the first time this happened to me." He sits down next to me, pulling me closer wrapping us both in the blanket. He wraps his hand around my back, resting my head on his shoulder I look up to him.

To my surprise, he was already looking at me. The icy blue eyes flicker in glitter from the sun that's going down in front of us. At the moment it didn't matter. Sun, stars, colours, the art surrounding us was worthless.
It felt like everything stopped. Starts didn't appear. Sun didn't sink. The only thing that happen was our eyes glimmering in lust.

For a moment, I admired his face, emotions he didn't hide from me, small things he did for me these days, like staying with me until I fell asleep, being there when I woke up, feeding me, and today... getting me out of the four white walls that drove me crazier than I was.

He looked at me, then at my lips just for a second breaking the contact. He leaned in, and I followed his action.  I closed my eyes, our lips colliding one on another, melting in touch. Pushing harder on him, a small moan escaped his mouth and I used that as a chance to invade him, tasting the chocolate on his tongue as we fought for dominance, now James pulling me closer.

Both breathing hard, gasping for air, we pull away from each other, pressing our foreheads together.

"Forgive me"

"I can't. I don't know how" I looked him directly in the eye, but I don't even know what I was expressing. Maybe sympathy. "Give me time to prove myself back-" "I don't think I can-" "please Ernaline, please. All I ask you to do is give me time, nothing more." His eyes carried hurt, burn marks and regretful words. He was on edge of tears but didn't want to show it to me. To show his vulnerability.

"Alright, but you better not fuck this up" Answering his begs, he weakly smiled and our lips crashed one on the other again. I want to hate him, but I can't. I simply can't. 

Every time I push him, he somehow craves himself back again. His eyes are mesmerising like the sky, full of lust and once you sail in them you get lost, jaw sharper than a blade designed for two lovers, lips soft and like melting chocolate on mine. "Let's go inside, I'm cold" I say simply breaking the silence that we had, and he took my hand in his, locking it firmly, walking behind me.

With him sitting in sofa right next to my bed, on the left side, I slept better than I did in years.

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