Chapter 30: When Stars Start Bleeding

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Word count: 1005


With a clean needle, I stuck the liquid inside my wrist. I just hope it's the correct veine. Yeah.

After 15 minutes, I could finally see it working on me, as there was no more morning dizziness I was having for the past week.

I wanted to stay in the bed for more, but after some debating and my clock showing noon, I crawled out of my bed. If you ask yourself where James was, I don't know. I just remember the bed being empty and the sun wasn't even out! Whatever.

I should probably get to work. It's been weeks, and Natasha has been doing everything by herself. Better than everyone else, I know how drying, sometimes even boring it can be.

I creaked open the doors of a room she took to be her office whole she's at James' warehouse. Looks nice.

"What do you mean you motherfucking piece of shit?! Do you have my money or not!? Listen to me you motherfucker I'm going to motherfucking kill you! I want that money on my table in 10 hours or I will get my men to kill you and I swear you won't be able to get out of not state, CITY if you try something! You little pussy!"

She continues speaking, not acknowledging I entered the room. I lean against the door frame barely holding in my laughter. I have never heard so many swear words come out of her mouth. "No, you're not gonna speak to the leader, she can not waste her time at scambags like you. No-you-NO you listen to me! I don't have any fucking idea who those new MaFiA people from the South think they are! Listen you piece of shit you're dealing with the biggest Mafia in the U.S. what the fuck is wrong with you!? Oh-you-that's how it is!? Wait and in a few hours I will have your head on my desk!" She cut off the line, hitting her foot against the floor. Her hair was in a very very messy bun. "Lukas? Yes you! Romanoff here. I need you to take care of this on piece of shit. Yeah, I will send you the name and you do the work. I don't give two fucks about what you do with him. Just try to get some money out of him and kill him. Bye" She aggressively ended the phone call, dropping her body on the nearby chair.

"It's nice to see you're spending my money nicely." I smile at her before she stands up, probably from a bit of shock cause to her I appeared from nowhere. We embrace in a long hug, not wanting the moment to end. "It's just so drying" Her voice breaks a bit, probably from exhaustion. "I will take over" I whisper slowly. "Really!?" "Yes, yes. Go and rest"I push a bit behind her as she starts to escape the work.

Is it down slowly, re-organizing her desk. When I finally made some space, I started reading files and signing stuff. Made calls for new shipments of guns and drugs that were supposed to come from small bases we had in Spain. It seems that Mafia was doing amazing, as it was earning most of my profit, but from the other side, my company was doing even greater.

As I was taking a coffee break, I had this weird idea come to my mind, so I started to wander ii ng the halls where the rooms of men were. I sent James a voice message saying "If I don't respond in 15 min it was Pablo" I even laughed a bit at my anxious thoughts. James immediately texted me "Should I be worried?" but I will have to answer that later. I tug the phone inside my pockets as I enter the room Pablo is sleeping in. I examine it, and went through some stuff, but can't find anything.

Mhm, that's weird I really thought it was hi-

Something hit my head, and I immediately take back what I just said.

I woke up in a dark room.

"Ah finally! Pablo, you're here. Honestly could you not come any quicker to save me? I think I saw a rat crawl from that hole over there."

"Ernaline, I'm not here to save you. Do you not remember who dragged you here?"

"Of course I do! It was that guy Rocco, you know the one whose arm I broke on one of James' hang out with da boys. He was indeed a crybaby." I rambled out to his annoyance, even though what I was saying was indeed, truth. "Ugh. Weak men."

"I'm starting to think we kidnapped the wrong person boss. She doesn't look like a Mafia leader that can slice you up in five seconds. She looks...terribly annoying." A young boy who walked in with Rocco when I woke up speaks again, more to me than to Pablo, so I make sure to respond. "Firstly, five seconds? I'm flattered he thinks that highly of me but people need a bit longer to die. Secondly, your mom's annoying!" I tell out the last part only for Pablo to slap me across the face. To which I bite on his hand arcing the flesh as hard as I can. He's not able to pull away until his hand is bleeding. "You fucking bitch! This does not hurt, but it did necessary carve my hand. Don't let her look fool you, I watched her kill many men from enjoyment. She's a psychopath."

"My, my. Think so highly of me and for what? You're all gonna be dead when James comes here." I hiss at them, more at the Pablo cause the kid is already scared. Poor guy obviously shouldn't be here.

I had to cut this into two parts, sorry!
It will make more sense when I publish the next part, it was just too long for one chapter.

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