03 : Crippling loneliness.

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"Then fuck him ?"

Dayanah rolled her eyes at her friend, a light scoff escaping her lips.

"He's the father of one of my students and married, I can't just do that.."

Lara pouted, taking a sip of the alcoholic drink in her hand.

They were both sitting outside of a convenience store, and after eating a cup of ramyeon together, they were just talking.

"You're not the one with an engagement, if he doesn't push you away how is it your problem ? Plus you said he's rich, that man is probably unfaithful already and has a sugar baby somewhere.. Good idea, get him to be your sugar daddy."

"Yeah sure.." Dayanah answered.

"No really ! You get to be dicked down by this hot man and in addition, you get money, that's good isn't it ?" She said, excited.

"I'm not about to buss it open for him, I don't even know him.. Now I don't deny that I do want to spread those legs, no, but I morally can't do that, there's a child involved."

"Fuck kids !" Lara answered, slamming her hand on the table. "You can just look at that little boy and say 'I call him Daddy too', what is he gonna do ? Cry about it ?"

Dayanah snorted before bursting his laugher, soon joined by her friend.

"You really have a-"

"Dayanah-ssi ?"

She turned around with her eyes slightly widened, wondering who was calling her.

She saw Namjoon about to enter in the convenience store, looking very different from the way he did hours ago.

Instead of a suit, he wore a short sleeved black t-shirt with blue skinny jeans and red high top Converse, his glasses resting on his nose.

She immediately bowed at him, mumbling a 'hello'.

"Seeing you here is a surprise." He said with a small smile before acknowledging Lara's presence. "Oh I'm sorry to disturb you with-"

"No, no she's not disturbed, I was about to leave anyways." Lara cut him off, standing up.

Dayanah turned to her with her lips agape, watching Lara almost run away, leaving her alone with Namjoon.

"Oh.. Well, is it fine if I join you then ?" He asked, quite confused about what he just saw but playing it off.

Dayanah nodded.

"Yes, sure." She answered.

"Perfect, I just have something to go pick up inside, I'll be quick."

She nodded again, watching him give her a dimpled smile before walking in the store.

She let out a breath, wondering how did this happen.

What kind of coincidence is that ?

They were just talking about him, and he appeared out of nowhere, in this precise convenience store, out of all of the others.

She sighed, the male soon coming back, sitting in front of her.

"I'm sorry for making wait, hope it wasn't too long."

"No it's alright, I have nothing to do either ways.. So, what brings you here ?" She asked, trying to shake her nervousness away.

Namjoon sighed, opening up his beer.

"Needed a drink.. I've already told you, problems with my wife and stuff.." He answered before taking a sip of the bitter drink. "It's gonna fall apart, it's gonna fall apart.."

Dayanah furrowed her eyebrows, cocking her head as she looked at him.

"Then why are you still with her ? If it's not too intrusive.."

Namjoon shook his head.

"It's alright you can ask.. Baram holds us together and to be honest, we've been together for so long that I feel like we're both scared to be lonely."

She slowly nodded, understanding.

She has never been in this situation, but she could understand.

Nobody wants to be lonely.

"How is it scary if you already feel lonely ?" She asked, decyphering what was happening. "It'll just be the physical part, but to be honest Namjoon-ssi-"

"Sorry to interrupt you but you can call me Namjoon-ah, that is if you want to.. We're not in your classroom anymore and we're talking about something pretty personal."

She nodded and continued.

"To be honest Namjoon-ah, I don't see how this is healthy for Baram, that gives him a bad idea of how a family should be and.. If you feel like you deserve better, just go for it." She finished, looking at him staring at the table.

He stayed silent a moment, letting her words sink in.

He already found her attractive, but every time she opened her mouth, she just made that attraction stronger.

"How are you not in a relationship when you seem like you can have something perfectly healthy ?" He asked, chuckling.

She shrugged.

"I'm not looking for anyone.. I'm fine by myself for now to be completely honest, but I can return that question and ask you why are you in a relationship when it's obvious it's unhealthy ? Instead of communicating with your wife, you talk about it with a stranger.."

Namjoon scoffed, throwing his head back.

"We can't even kiss each other's cheeks, what makes you think we can talk ?" He asked, straightening back on his chair as he looked at her. "Haven't received any kind of affection from my wife in months, not even a 'hello' in the morning.. It's kind of pathetic."

"Instead of trying to fix it, get out of here, you'll only waste your time.. You should always do what you want to do, no matter what the consequences might be.. If you want to leave, do it, you'll feel lonely for a while but at least you'll be happier."

"And aren't you wasting your time right now ?" He asked, cocking his head. "A grown man that doesn't know what's good for him.."

"I like to help people Namjoon-ah, so no, I'm not wasting my time." She answered, giving him a small smile. "Hope it made you realize what you should do now."

Namjoon stayed silent, just staring at her, her words rolling in his mind.

'Do what you want to do, no matter what the consequences might be'

"Dayanah-yah.. Will it be okay if I asked you something that might be crazy ?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, tilting her head.

"Go ahead I'm listening."

"Would you help me.. To not feel lonely ?"




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