13 : His business.

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It was a regular day for Namjoon.

Bringing Baram home, having a snack with him and avoiding Jieun.

It was easy.

Or it usually was..

"Namjoon-ah we need to talk."

That's what Jieun said as soon as he walked in the kitchen to prepare Baram's snack.

"I don't want to talk to you, move."

"I know what you're doing with that woman, Baram's teacher.. Are you proud of yourself ?" She said, not budging.

Namjoon turned his head to her a second, looking at her up and down.

"What's your point ? It's not the first time we've been there."

"Leave her alone." Jieun firmly said, gazing at Namjoon in all seriousness.

He scoffed, turning his whole body towards her.

"Or what ?"

"You know damn well what happened the last time you pulled up some shit like this, you promise these girls the world only to end up giving them Hell." Jieun said, not detaching her eyes from his. "I don't know this woman and I've never spoken to her, but it doesn't mean that she deserves this."

"Once again, that's none of your business." Namjoon answered, getting irritated.

"I'm unfortunately married to you so it is."

He scoffed once again, raising a brow at her.

"Then get a divorce."

"You know damn well why we can't get a divorce." She answered, clenching her fists. "You trapped me."

"I trapped you ?" He answered, sounding amused at how ridiculous that sound.

"You said you'll take everything from me if I ever bring up a divorce again, stop acting innocent."

"Because you wanted to leave with my child, there's a difference and I won't allow you to take my son who knows where." He responded, staring at her blankly.

"That doesn't change the fact that you blackmailed me."

"That doesn't mean you can't leave now, if you want to leave, just leave, but if you take my son I'm not leaving you anything, you won't even be eating my dust."

They stared at each other a second without a word, both not stepping down of their positions.

"You're an asshole, leave that poor girl alone."

"Once again that's none of your business." He repeated.

"Last time you did this shit the girl killed herself Namjoon-ah, it's not funny, you need to stop."

Her fists where so clenched her nails were leaving marks in her skin, knuckles all white.

"You act like it's because of me.."

"It is, you promised her things and you couldn't keep up, she fell in love with the disgusting piece of shit you are."

"What the hell do you want ?" Namjoon sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Leave Baram's teacher alone, or at least tell her what happened before.. Or even better let me go."

Namjoon stayed silent, tapping his fingers on the counter nervously.

He knew somehow Jieun was right, he wasn't completely honest with Dayanah.

He hasn't always be faithful, and it wasn't always the best 'love' story.

He didn't even like the previous girl, aside from her body.

"So now we can talk, huh ?"

"If we're getting a divorce, we need to talk about it, the terms, Baram's custody.. We need to be able to hear each other because we obviously can't do this shit anymore." She answered.

Namjoon scoffed, looking up at her.

"What's his name ?"

"What are you-"

"Your new man, what's his name ?" Namjoon asked, cocking his head sideways.

"That's none of your business I-"

"If we're getting a divorce I want to know who's the man you're letting in my son's life, what's his name and what he does for a living." He cut her off.

They weren't even shocked that a divorce was brought up at this point, it was almost logical.

They both grew tired of each other, they both had other people and though it wasn't the original topic, they were too into it to even think about the previous topic.

"Kim Seokjin, he's a surgeon."

"Kids ?"

"One daughter who's older than Baram, he's widowed."

Namjoon hummed, sounding quite satisfied by what he was hearing.

He loosened his tie and sighed, grabbing the plate with Baram's snack.

"We'll go to the lawyer tomorrow, but if you think it's an opened-door to go make another family and involve my son in your shit, the threat is still pending."

"If you promise to leave that poor woman alone-"

Namjoon cut her off, glaring at her with a scoff once again.

"Don't fucking step in my business, I'm willing to listen to you but don't push it."

And with that he left the room.




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