20 : All the things he said.

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It wasn't hard to find Jieun.

If Dayanah had to give something to her, it was certainly her charisma, the way she carried herself.

When Jieun walked in a room, every noticed her, and it wasn't about her designer clothes, just what she radiated.

A powerful woman.

There was a silence between the two for an instant, both silently analyzing each other.

Jieun found Dayanah breath-taking, without knowing the feeling was reciprocated.

Namjoon chose his women well.

"You're really pretty.." Jieun tried to ease the atmosphere, feeling nervous.

"Thank you."

There was once again a silence, the two of them analyzing each other still, both questioning their sexualities.

If Jieun has that charismatic vibe, Dayanah was more on the comforting side, just gazing at her felt soothing, which might be why she was a pre-school teacher.

But even though she wasn't much charimastic, even if she wasn't smiling, her beauty and friendly vibe made it impossible to look away from her, she was hypnotizing.

"I don't want to sound rude but I didn't exactly came here to make a friend." Dayanah said, shaking herself out of her transe and pulling Jieun out of hers by the same occasion.

The brunette cleared her throat, nodding.

"Right.. First and foremost I'd like to know what you heard about me."

'What lies were said..'

Dayanah took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling a second as she thought.

"A good mother but a terrible wife, self-centered, selfish, arrogant, a tiny bit controlling."

Jieun scoffed before sipping on her matcha tea.

"And what's your impression about me ?"

Dayanah looked at Jieun, seeing anxiety in her eyes, but she couldn't exactly pinpoint why.

"A pretty woman, however arrogant, doesn't greet people outside of her social status."

"And I apologize for that.. I hope I can prove you wrong." Jieun answered, quite embarassed.

"Once again we're not going to be friends, there's no use to prove me anything."

Jieun sighed, still nodding.

"I'm here to tell you everything about Namjoon's lies, before you go any further into the relationship."

"I'm sorry but how does it have anything to do with you ?" Dayanah asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

She only had for reference what Namjoon told her about Jieun and though she always prefered to make her own opinion on people, she couldn't help but be a little on the defensive.

"Baram takes Namjoon as an exemple, and I refuse to see my son treat women that way.. I'm not mean, you seem like a good person, so I want to tell you the things Namjoon never will, because he's a coward, a liar."

Dayanah raised a brow but stayed silent, staring at Jieun who took that as a sign to continue.

"First of all I didn't want to stay married to him, he forced me to stay."

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