Chapter 21

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21: Apparently, I'm a Royal

I was still in dazed after what happened earlier.

Roesia escorted me to a chamber inside the castle while my retainers were summoned by an officer, probably someone under the royal family. She said I needed to wait here until everything settled down. Agad naman akong pumayag dahil kailangan ko ng space para i-take in lahat ng nangyari.

The room was just as impressive as the castle's exterior. Grand windows with elaborate traceries were spread across one side, framed by black drapes with gold embellishments. Tapestries were also hung on the walls, depicting wars, culture, and the culmination of the country's long history. The high-sloping ceiling were adorned with fancy chandeliers, a stark contrast to the few polished mahogany furnishings strewn all over the chamber.

Napanganga rin ako nang makita ko ang higaan. It was a king size canopy bed with crimson silk drapes tied on each post. After sleeping on the cold, hard pavement or on the forest ground for weeks, seeing a bed this size felt surprising and a bit uncomfortable. Pakiramdam ko ay lulubog ako kapag humiga ako rito.

Wandering around the place, I realized it was tidy and organized but it seemed like nobody had lived here for a long time. Maybe this was meant to be my room, hence, it was left untouched?

I heaved a deep and long sigh as I scrunched down on the floor. Being alone in this huge room after traveling in a group made me feel lonely and vulnerable. I just hope the three of them were okay.

My body stiffened when I heard the door creaking open. Agad akong napatayo at nakita ko ang isang babaeng dahan-dahan pumasok. She was wearing an ankle-length, sleeved black dress overlaid with a white ruffled apron. Her pale complexion complemented her blond wavy hair and cold demeanor. She must be a lady's maid, but I thought she could pass off as a royalty because of her elegance and beauty.

"Lady Vyrka," she called, and hearing that name sent shiver down my spine.

Vyrka Stryzyga.

I remembered the king addressing me by that. All my life, I had been using my birth name, Victoria Estrigo, but the moment he uttered that name, mind and body acknowledged it without any hesitation . . . as if my subconscious were yearning for it to be spoken for a long time.

"Lady?" the woman repeated, her voice snapping me back to the present. Her dress billowed as she walked toward me. "The king and queen want to see you in a few hours. I am tasked to help you prepare for your audience with them."

The mention of the royal family suddenly made my head fuzzy. "Oh," I blurted out, unsure of what to reply.

"But first, I think you need to take a bath, my lady," she said.

She gestured toward the massive mirror on the opposite side of the windows. I reluctantly followed her and for a second, I was scared to see my reflection after our arduous journey to get here in Vrivarya.

Wait, weren't vampires supposed to not have any reflection? That was how they were always portrayed in books and films. Bigla tuloy akong kinabahan dahil baka hindi ko makita ang sarili ko sa salamin. But I was normal until my retainers showed up. Would it be possible to lose my reflection upon awakening?

"Lady, inside this room is an array of clothes you can chose from," she beckoned toward the door beside the mirror.


Naglakad ako patungo sa kanya at napawi ang kaba ko nang makita ko ang sarili ko sa salamin. But that relief turned into embarrassment after realizing my piteous appearance. There were holes and soot on the dress I was wearing. My hair and face were a mess, and I felt ashamed that I faced everyone earlier looking like this.

Awakened (Bloodline, #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon