Chapter 20

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20: I Learned My Real Name

My body felt hot, and my hands were shaking terribly.

Iyon ang nararamdaman ko nang makalagpas kami sa gate. The ambience was distinctly overwhelming compared to the rest of the cities. There was a suffocating pressure pressing against my body, and I had to try hard to overpower them with mine.

Two giant watchtowers stood few meters away from the gate. Sa magkabilang watchtower ay mayroong lumabas na dalawang lalaki at huminto sa harap nila ang carriage. Both were wearing black military uniforms like Irus with two swords latched on their backs. One look and I could tell that they were assassins, and I was quite convinced that they were sterner and more brutal than Irus.

Marahang bumaba si Roesia at hinarap ang dalawang lalaki. I could not hear what they were talking about but the two nodded after several seconds and let us pass. Pagkabalik niya sa quarter namin ay agad ko siyang tinanong.

"They are the capital's sentries," explained Roesia. "They are strict when it comes to . . . outsiders."

My shoulders tensed upon hearing that. "I-is it okay now?"

There was an amused look on her face. "Of course. They just do not know you yet. Besides, I am your verification."

Nakahinga naman ako nang maluwag matapos kong marinig iyon.

Nagpatuloy ang byahe namin at napansin kong wala masyadong bahay o kahit anong shelter dito compared kanina. There were just a lot of rough boulders and weird-looking trees. Ravens and crows were also present along with bats and vultures. Mas lalo ring dumilim ang paligid kaya bumalik ang takot ko.

Makalipas ang halos isang oras ay huminto kami at isa-isa silang nagsibabaan kaya naman sumunod na rin ako. Pagtingin ko sa harapan namin ay agad na napakunot ang noo ko. An uphill and an even more uneven road greeted me. Kaya pala sila nagsibaba ay dahil hindi na makakaya ng carriage namin ang daanan.

"Apologies, Lady, but we need to walk from here up to the castle."

I wanted to complain, but doing that in front of Roesia would not be good. Nauna siyang maglakad at sumunod kami sa kanya. Tumabi naman sa akin si Moria, which was quite comforting after being with Roesia for a few hours.

"Are you okay, lady?" she whispered.

I heaved a sigh. "Yeah."

Kei walked right beside me, and he glared at Roesia. He looked like he wanted to attack her, and I was not sure if that was because of me.

"Khmer, calm down," I ordered and surprisingly, he stopped grumbling.

Muling bumigat ang pakiramdam ko nang maalala ko ang nangyari sa kanya. It was hard to look at someone who could not even follow his own will.

Lumapit ako kay Moria at bumulong. "You said arcane mages can heal anything, right?"

She gave me a quizzical look. "Is this about Khmer, lady?"

My face stiffened. "I-is it impossible?"

"I am not sure, lady," she answered. "Most high clans do not really care about those that became their hounds."

Hindi ko alam kung dapat ba akong malungkot o magalit sa narinig ko. Still, I would not lose hope. I would not want Kei to be like that forever. I would not want him to be a mindless servant. Besides, he would be more effective if he has his own will, especially when it comes to situations that would require some wits.


I was in deep thoughts that I did not notice Irus approaching me. Halos matumba ako sa gulat nang bigla na lang lumitaw ang mukha niya sa harapan ko.

Awakened (Bloodline, #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon