Chapter 10

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10: My Grandmother's Gift

The four of us collapsed as soon as we touched the ground. Kei had it worse. His gray skin was turning chalky due to exhaustion. I wanted to lay still for a while but Irus and Moria carried us and started running.

Hindi ko alam kung ilang minuto na ang lumipas nang huminto kami sa pagtakbo. We were already deep in the woods and our only source of light was Moria's bright cloak.

Napasandal ako sa puno habang pinapainom naman ni Irus si Kei. Good thing he collected some vials of blood while we were in the city proper a while ago.

"Are you alright, lady?" asked Irus.

"Yeah," I replied.

Napatingin ako kay Moria. According to Kei, she was the mage that we were supposed to meet. Fortunately, she found us or else, that woman might have killed the three of us. Napahawak agad ako sa leeg ko nang maalala ko ang nangyari kanina. She almost snapped my neck without even using any weapon.

"Lady," Moria suddenly called. Nagulat ako nang bigla na naman siyang lumuhod sa harapan ko. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Moria of the Morana bloodline, a mage and sorceress of Vrivarya," she announced.

Morana . . . Kei said my grandmother was also from that bloodline. I wonder if she knew her.

It was kind of awkward, so I also introduced myself. "Uhm, I-I'm Victoria Estrigo. Just call me Vic."

"Oh, no, lady, that will be discourteous."

Bigla namang nagbago ang expression niya. Her face darkened, filled with fury, and even I, could feel the bloodlust exuding from her.

"That insolent harpy," she seethed. "How dare she touch and threaten you like that. I must personally send her to her demise."

Itatanong ko pa lang sana ang details tungkol sa nangyari nang biglang magising si Kei. Thankfully, his color was returning to normal. Meanwhile, Irus secured the bag that we were carrying a while ago. Naalala ko tuloy nang ihagis ko iyon sa mage kanina. I really thought the underwear was what made her weak. It turned out their weakness were the plants we picked before. Oh, thank goodness I didn't say that out loud. I would sound like an idiot.

"Rana Moria," Kei slightly bowed as he addressed the mage.

She waved her hand dismissively. "You did well. Just keep those awful dinguses away from me."

Irus placed the bag farther from us. Napangiti naman ako dahil kahit pangalan ng mga halaman ay ayaw banggitin ni Moria. She must have hated hawthorns and wild roses to the core.

Nagulat ako nang bigla na lang sinugatan ni Moria ang sarili niya. She made a small cut on her palm and motioned her hands. Her red eyes gleamed in the dark and watching her with a stern expression sent shivers down my spine. I had encountered a lot of undead, but mages were by far the strongest and most terrifying of them all.

"Lady, are you okay?" tanong ni Kei nang makalapit siya sa amin.

I nodded. "Mm."

We silently watched Moria as she continued with what she was doing.

"She's creating a barrier so we can travel without getting traced easily," he said as if he was reading my mind.

"So . . . we won't get chased anymore?"

"We'll still be tailed by creatures who can smell your scent," he explained, "but they won't be able to pinpoint our exact location."

Damn it. My scent again. It's my scent's fault after all.

Awakened (Bloodline, #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon