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Dabi's Pov

I sat on my bed thinking about what I should do next. I got an idea, I knew I would regret it later. i took my phone of the nightstand and opened my Twitter account. I started typing and I posted:

"Hi guys. I've decided that there would be a raffle like game. How this works is if you want to play (only if you are willing to pay more than 6000) you dm a number between 1-100, and I would be choosing 14 people that I will come by, and you would get 2 hours with me. We can do whatever you want. If it passes two hours, you have to pay extra. Then deadline the in 2 days. Good luck!"

I sighed after I posted it know that I would most likely have to sleep with most of them. Luckily, I wasn't giving my virginity to some random person. I lost my virginity to Tomura in the second month that I was here cause we were both drunk.

I went back on my phone to check to see if anyone had dm numbers, and I had over 100 dms. I sighed again as I started check them. I got a bunch of different, and the same numbers. I decided to wait till it was finished so I could chose. I closed my phone and went and took a shower before going down stairs.

Aizawa's Pov

I was in my room when i got a notification from Twitter. I opened it and checked it, only to see that Dabi made another post. It wasn't another picture this time. I read the post and decided that I should try and see if I could be one of the 14 winners. But I was going to do it midnight before the deadline, so he would see it. 

I messaged Nezu informing him about the post and that I was going to enter it. I put my phone in my pocket and went down stairs. When I got there, I saw my adopted son Hitoshi Shinsou sitting on the couch watching Assignation Classroom.

"Hey Hitoshi." I greeted him as I passed by. "Oh Hi dad. What are you doing?" he asked. "Oh well I getting coffee. Want some?" I asked him as I made my way behind the kitchen counter. "Oh yesss" He said smirking. We sat in silence for awhile.

"Hitoshi, we need to talk." I broke the silence. "Sure." he nod and seated himself where he was giving me attention. "Ok. So Nezu has assigned me a mission. This mission started when I found Dabi's Twitter account." I said. "Wait Dabi has a Twitter account?" he asked. 

"Yes he does. It seems that he is using this account or money as where he posts pictures of himself and gets donations from it. Nezu asked me to have an account on there to watch what he is doing. There has been a raffle that he put out today. If I'm one of the winners, he said in the post the the 14 winners have 2 hours to do anything with him. So if I win, most likely I'm be bringing him here. Is that alright with you? I have to make sure because you are a child and my son and I don't want you to get hurt or be uncomfortable." I finished and waited for his response.

"I'm cool with it but, don't take advantage of him, he might really need the money." He answered and I nod my head in agreement. Soon after the coffee was finished. We drunk it and went to bed.

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