Date Pt.2

978 17 6

Dabi's Pov
Shota said he was taking me on a date. I didn't want to admit it, but I was really excited. I can't wait spend some alone time with him. "We're here Kitty" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard his deep voice call out to me. "Oh ok" I said looking out the window to see that we were in front of a cafe more specifically, Blue Bottle Coffee Shibuya Cafe ( this is an actual place in Tokyo). I didn't notice that the black haired male had exit the car until the door on my side had open. We went in and was greeted by a younger male who looked to be in his teens, around 16-17. "Good evening gentlemen, I'm Rui Sano, and I'll be your server for tonight." He said and walked us over to a table I the far corner. "I'll go get you guys some wait and bring the menu." He said and walked away. Shortly after, he came back with the water and menu.  "Everything looks so nice." I said softly. "Get anything you want." Shota told me. Awhile later Shota rised his hand and called the waiter over. "Alright so I'll have the Cappuccino and  Fresh salad." He said ordering his first. The waiter wrote that down then looked at me, "And what would you like sir?" He asked. "I'll take the Roasted Vegetables, and hot mocha." I replied. "All right I'll be with your meals shortly." He said then went off to the back. We chat until our meals came, then we ate throwing in a few words here and there. After brunch, we had dessert, he ordered the brick cheese cake, and I ordered the waffle plate, Cinnamon Cream. After we finished, the waiter came over and gave us the bill.

Cappuccino  605
Mocha           715
Fresh salad   1,122
Roasted Vegetables  1,122
Cinnamon Cream    770
Brick cheese cake    649

Total     4,983

(That's $39.48 in us dollars. If I got that wrong let me know. )

After brunch he took me to the local fair, and we went on a bunch of rides. I had the so much fun the best part was that I got to spend it with Shota. When we left the fair, it was 11pm. I was really tired. We were out since 12pm. We went to the field near the park and laid in the grass watching the stars for awhile. "Shota," "Hm?" "I had fun" I said not taking me eyes off the sky. "I'm glad."

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