The evening takes a turn..

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After a couple of hours of dancing, socializing and trying to keep up with Thor's drinking regime, you start to feel tired and your legs feel heavy. Thor notices you are becoming sleepy and comes up to you; "One last dance before you turn in?" He holds up his hand and you lay your hand in his. He pulls you onto the dance floor. Just as you start to sway to the upbeat rhythm, the orchestra changes pace and a slower tune follows. People start filling up the dance floor again and sway close to each other to the melody. "Last one", you smirk at him and he steps closer to you. His right hand holds yours up to the side as his left hand lightly grabs you by the waist. You enjoy the slower pace of dancing and look at Thor before whispering into his ear; "I've never danced with a prince before. Or with someone from another planet actually." Thor chuckles softly and says; "There's a first for everything." You gaze into the crowd as you want to continue the conversation but before you do, you notice someone's eyes following your movements. There's too many people in the way to see the person but you can spot the figure walking out of the ballroom through one of the side doors. You think about saying something to Thor but decide it's better to leave him be and investigate on your own. "Thor, would you mind getting me a bottle of water to take to bed?" Thor stops dancing and replies; "Of course, no problem. I'll be right back, okay?" You smile at him softly; "Thank you." Thor leaves the ballroom to grab your water and as he steps out the door you make your way in the same direction as the mysterious figure.

Walking through the door out of the ballroom, you see the glimpse of a black cloak moving through the hall into an open door. You pick up your pace and go after the figure. Once you reach the door, you slow down and take a deep breath before walking in. Inside, the room is only lit with a couple of candles. Through the darkness you can make out shelves with books, an old wooden desk and a person sitting behind it. The flames flicker and you hear the mysterious figure breathing. Balling your fist you man up and ask; "Who are you? Why are you following me?". First, silence. After a few seconds, the flames of candles burn brighter as if someones cast a spell on them. You look at the person behind the desk as he responds in a sarcastic tone; "Seems like you are the one following me, princess." Two deep green eyes gaze at you, his expression curious as he inspects you and a smirk forms on his face as he taunts you. "I'm not a princess.", you correct him. "What are you doing in here?" Your voice sounds confident even though you feel a spark of fear inside you. This man gives you an unsettling feeling, however, something about him makes you curious and interested. "I was waiting for you dear." He moves his arm to rest on his knee. He sits in the chair comfortably, with one leg down and the other crossed with his ankle resting on his knee. His fingers stroke the barely visible stubble on his chin as he looks at you. His emerald green eyes seem like they are trying to read your mind. You can barely make out his face behind the strands of black silky hair. It falls down in front of his face and on the shoulder-pins of the black cloak he is disguising himself with. "I know you lead me here, I'm not a fool. What do you want?", you ask the man calmly. The diamonds on your neck and dress glisten in the candlelight. It distracts him for a moment before he answer your question; "You are not a fool indeed. But i got you here didn't I?" This man loves to praise himself, you notice. "Yes, you're so clever, bravo. Now tell me what it is you want from me?" He's getting on your nerves. He must have lead you here for a reason right? You're done playing games and want an explanation. "Tell me!" "No need to get all roused up, princess. I just wanted to meet this famous Midgardian friend my brother brought into my home. I must say I expected.. more. But then again, you are just a simple Midgardian.." He taunts you with his words, he seems to enjoy his banter and to see what reaction he gets out of you. But you're smarter than to play along. "Huh, seems like you don't know me very well." You sigh at him in response. "Wait. Your brother? Thor's brother? I didn't-" He cuts you off before you can finish your sentence; "He didn't tell you, did he? That's not a surprise to be honest. I'm sure mother didn't tell you either. No one in this family likes to acknowledge my existence." You frown as you look at him. "Why would they do that?" He must have done something horrible if his own family rejects him, right? He grins at your curiosity. The flame of a candle burns out and with a snap of his fingers it relights itself, a venomous green spark lights up the room this time. It surprises you but doesn't scare you. The mysterious man inspects your reaction and grins again. "Oh, nothing that would concern you princess." 

From the hallway, you hear heavy footsteps coming closer. You see the figure looking from you to the doorway. You turn around and hear you name being called. You respond; "In here!" and turn your gaze back to the man. He squints his eyes at the doorway as someone now stands there, looking at you both. You turn your head to see who it is and recognize his blonde locks and red cloak. "(y/n), what are you doing here?" Thor walks a few steps into the dim lit room. His eyes move from you to the green flame to his brother sitting behind the desk with a grin on his face. "Loki..", he grunts. "Ah brother! Join us we were just having a little meet and greet seeing we hadn't been introduced." Loki winks at you at gives Thor a wide smile. "come (y/n), we're leaving." Thor reaches for you hand but you pull it away before you ask him in a challenging tone; "How about an explanation first? Did you forget to mention you had a brother?" Thor sighs deep and responds; "I was going to tell you but- I'll explain it all tomorrow I assure you, let me walk you to your chambers now." Loki  sits behind the desk amused, to see his big brother trying to avoid your questions. An angry spark lights up your eyes and you step back from Thor while saying; "I'll make sure you do. I think I can find my own way back, thank you. I'll be seeing you tomorrow, Thor. Goodnight." Thor looks at you defeated but agrees. "Tomorrow I promise.", he speaks softly. You're about to step beside him and leave the room when Loki says; "I like her already. Seems like you're in trouble brother." He stands up from his chair and shrugs at Thor. "Same goes for you, Loki." You respond before stepping out of the room and making your way back to your sleeping chambers.

The story continues in the next part..

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