At dawn

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It's early in the morning. You wake up from noise outside the castle blowing into your room through the open window. Taking a big stretch on the enormous bed and yawning loudly, you get up for your first day on Asgard. You've just barely put on an over-sized, white sleeping gown when you hear knock on the door. *knock knock* "(y/n) Are you dressed? Can I come in?" As you rub the sleep from your eyes you sleepily respond; "Uh, yeah. Come in." The heavy wooden doors swing open and Thor walks in. Already awake and energized he looks at you in wonder and asks; "That's what you're wearing out?" You chuckle and say; "No dummy, I just woke up. What's going on?" Thor walks over to you and excitedly tells you about his plans; "Well best get dress (y/n)! We're going riding!" Confused you look at him and ask; "Riding? As in horses?" "Exactly! I've picked you out a fine steed to ride with me. I'll show you the best places in the city and when the sun rises, we'll have the best view on Asgard!" You like his idea and excitedly jump up from your bed. "Great! Let me get ready and I'll meet you outside?" Thor walks out of your chambers after saying; "Perfect! I'll see you by the main gate!" He swings the doors shut again and makes his way downstairs.

Outside, it's chilly and the color of the sky is a crisp blue. The sun hasn't awoken yet and you can see the glimpse of a moon creeping behind the castle. You've asked a maid to get you clothes fit for horse riding and she brought you that plus a small packed pick-nick to enjoy on your ride. When you tried on the clothes everything fit perfectly except for the top part so you decided to change it into your favorite shirt you brought from Earth. A white tee with an AC/DC print on the back. As you make your way to the main gate where Thor waits for you, you receive a couple of confused looks from Asgardians that have no clue what you're wearing, but you don't pay attention to them. You can't wait to go for a ride with Thor. It also gives you the opportunity to question him about his brother Loki, and why he kept him a secret. You reach the main gate and find Thor on a huge black horse. It's long manes and tail move in the wind and its hooves step back and forth in excitement to go for a ride. In his hand, Thor holds a leather strap connected to another horse. This one is slightly smaller and bright white with grey spots covering his legs and head. The horse seemed calmer than the black which you feel grateful for. You're not sure you could handle a wild spirit like Thor's horse. "There you are! That's a much better outfit to ride I must say." Thor smiles at you and gestures to come closer. You walk up to him and the two horses. Taking hold on the horses saddle, you pull yourself up to Thor's level and take the leather strap from him. Thor looks at you surprised and you say; "I might have taken a couple of horse riding lessons when I was younger." "I didn't doubt you for a minute", Thor replies jokingly. "So, where are we off to?", you ask him impatiently. "Follow me." Thor gives his horse a light tap with his foot and off they go. You do the same and follow him.

 The wind blows wildly through your hair and clothes. A great sense of freedom overwhelms you and you can't help but smile. "I forgot how good this feels!" You call out to Thor who rides a few metres in front of you. He doesn't respond but raises his right arm to the side and points to the skyline. You look in the same direction and see the sun coming up behind the city. Under your breath you whisper; "Wow.." You're left speechless and look back at Thor, he has slowed his pace and is now next to you. "Told you it was breathtaking." Your lips form into a big smile and say; "You did." You slow down your horse too by lightly pulling on the reins and ask Thor; "Do you want park here for a a bit and have breakfast?" Thor raises an eyebrow and accepts your offer; "I can't say no to breakfast, can I?" You both jump off your horse and tie them to a tree near the path. After finding a spot to sit, you unpack the food the maid gave you and see what's inside. An assortment of fresh fruits, baked buns still warm from the oven and big chunks of cheese you've never tried before. "This looks delicious.. and smells it too." you exclaim. Thor grunts and reaches for the cheese; "You have to try this, it's like what you on Midgard call cheese but it's so much better." You raise your brow at him as he breaks off a piece of it and hands it to you; "I'll be the judge of that." You pop the chunk in your mouth and immediately it starts to melt on your tongue. "Okay.. perhaps you were right. This is delicious! remind me to take some home with me." You both laugh and enjoy the gorgeous sunrise. The cool breeze makes you shiver and Thor wraps his cloak around your shoulders. "Thanks" In your head the questions about Loki keep popping up and you decide this is as good a time as another. Your voice sounds a little unsure but you have to know; "Thor? Why didn't you tell me about Loki? Your mom didn't say anything either. Is he.. dangerous?" Thor stays quiet for a few minutes and his face has a serious expression. He swallows a few grapes before responding; "He's just.. chaotic. I'd rather you keep your distance from him but I can assure you he won't do you any harm. He's only after one thing and he'll do anything to get it." He tells you while looking out to the skyline of Asgard. You let the words sink in before asking: "What does he want then?" "Ever since we were little boys and we were frolicking around the castle, he always felt the need to outdo me. It's always been a competition to him. Then a few years ago we learned he's adopted. Which means he doesn't have the right to rule Asgard, it wouldn't be right by tradition.. But that hasn't stopped him from trying. He's made some peoples lives miserable to get his place on the throne. His 'glorious purpose' he calls it.." You listen to Thor telling the story and wrap his cloak tighter around your body. You can't help but feel sympathy for Loki, if he's been fighting for something his whole life only to figure out he'll never have it. It must be crushing him. "I do love him, he's my brother. I just wish I could get some sense into him. He always comes up with mischief and trickery, it pains our mother to see him acting like that but it's in his nature I guess." "What do you mean in his nature?" Thor looks at your and sighs; "He was adopted from the planet of Frost giants. There's not much good souls there but I believe Loki is different. He was raised with his true family so he knows what's good or bad. Sometimes the lines just get blurred for him." You ponder over Thor's words in your head before you notice a man in a chariot coming down the road. You realise you've been sitting there for hours; "Should we get back to the palace? They're probably waiting for us." Thor looks up at the sky and agrees; "Yeah we should." You both stand up and as you begin to take off Thor's cloak he says; "Keep it on if you like. I have plenty of those." You smile and say; "Thanks. It's really cozy." Thor chuckles and you both get on your horses to make you back to the palace.

The story continues in the next part..

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