A very heated apology( last part)

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WARNING: this part contains very descriptive smut! if you don't want to read it, I will write an alternate ending in the next part, with only fluff. 

Happy reading <3


You've come into your room but instead of starting to pack up you fall into your bed and curl up into a ball, covering yourself with the silky covers. How could he do this? You were sure he acted genuine around you whenever you were with him. Especially when you told him about being adopted, you thought you saw the real Loki. He is the a trickster god after all. You felt dumb. Tears rolled down your face onto your pillow. 'I don't want go yet.' You sobbed into your bed. You've had a lovely time at Asgard but Loki had ruined it. Thor wasn't helpful either. At least he tried to protect you from his brother but the damage was already done. You muffled your own sounds with the soft pillows and covers. You felt safer inside your little cocoon. The isolation of the covers had kept you from hearing someone entering your room. Your body trembled from crying but lied completely still as you felt something weigh down the mattress. You slowly peeked out from underneath the covers to see who sat on your bed. It was Loki. His ink black hair fell down on his shoulders and accentuated his pale skin. His skin around his eyes was red. Had he been crying? You sniffled and threw your head down on your pillows again. "What do you want?", you sneered at him.

The tall god sat uncomfortable knowing he wasn't welcome, especially in your bed, so close to you. He sighed and said, "(y/n), what you heard. That wasn't what I really meant. I was trying to-" "I don't want your made up excuses Loki", you sobbed, louder than intended. Loki let his head down in defeat. How was he supposed to fix this? You were so close to him and all he wanted was to hold you tight, kiss your rosy lips until you would forgive him and give him a chance to explain. "Please, look at me (y/n).", the prince begged softly. You hesitated but the softness in Loki's voice made you want to be closer to him. So, you sat up in your bed, wiping the wetness from your face and looked at the god's emerald green eyes. "I didn't mean it. I was angry at Thor for-, I was furious. He thinks I've been tricking you and in my fury I spat out unreasonable things. I shouldn't have said any of it, none of it was true.", Loki blurted out. After scrambling himself together again he calmly edged closer to you. The look in your eyes softened as he talked. His voice alone could mesmerize you. One kiss would probably make you forget any of this had happened. A blush formed on your cheeks thinking about the divine man, knowing he was right in front of you left you somewhat embarrassed. "Why did you say all those things then? What made you so angry at Thor?" you questioned. Patiently waiting for the handsome prince to answer, you took in his appearance. He seemed.. uncomfortable? No, more like, nervous. "Do I make you nervous, Loki?", you blurted out before realising you said that at loud instead of in your thoughts. You gazed down quickly at your hands playing with a loose thread on the silky blanket.

Loki gave you a quick glance and was relieved you weren't looking back at him. As much as he loved eyes locking intensely, this wasn't the situation he wanted that to happen. He hesitated before confessing; "yes, you make me nervous." You frowned and asked why. "Because.. I don't want you to think I'm monster like the rest does. You're too imp-, uh I care for what you think of me." You sniggered at his words; "Really? You wouldn't say that from how you talked about me earlier." Loki got more and more frustrated how he couldn't make you see the truth. "You didn't hear the whole conversation (y/n)!", he exclaimed louder than he intended. You jumped a little, startled by Loki's sudden change of mood. He continued; "Before you heard those untrue words, I told Thor.." HE sighed, it was difficult for him to confess his feelings for you as he didn't want to scare you away. He was hesitating whether he should tell you or not. Perhaps it was easier not to say anything and leave things as they were. "What? Loki, what did you tell him?" you insisted. "I told him how I feel about you. That I have fallen for you..", Loki's heart raced in his chest, he was scared you could hear it pound from where you sat. His pale skin had turned rosy from keeping in his emotions and controlling himself not to grab hold of your face to kiss you. Your eyes widened hearing Loki confess. Your lips parted slightly wanting to speak but you didn't know what to say. 'He fell for me?' The muscles in your body tensed, you could feel electricity tingling throughout your veins. All you wanted to do was give in to the urge to fling your arms around his neck but you held back. Until you couldn't anymore. You swiftly edged closer to him, flung your arms around him and one hand holding the back of his head. You pressed your lips on his, they felt cold but welcoming and soft at the same time. Loki let out a soft moan of relief and surprise when you kissed him. Your fingers played with the strands of his soft black locks and rubbed softly on his nape. As your kiss got more passionate with every second passing, your felt your heart beat faster. Loki's hands found their way to your face and held you tightly. He pulled away from the intimate kiss to breathe and as he rested his forehead against yours he spoke softly; "You won't believe how long I've wanted you to do that." A smile spread across your face; 'Same here, majesty." You let out a breath while he smiled. "Don't call me that.", he said holding in his excitement. "I thought you liked it?" You frowned. "I do, that's the problem. I like it a bit too much", Loki explained as a smirk formed on his lips. The black haired prince could feel a tension build in his nether regions. Being called Majesty was one thing, but hearing those words from your lips excited him in more ways than one. He quickly glanced down at his pants as he felt a bulge forming. Your mouth formed into a small 'o' as you realized what he meant. "My apologies, your majesty.", you spoke in a much more seductive way than before. "Don't test me, princess. You might regret what you're doing.", a glimmer shined in Loki's eyes. He hadn't looked at you like this before. It was lust you saw in his emerald stare and you didn't regret any of your actions at all. "I don't think I'll regret anything-" You moved your lips close to his ear and slowly whispered; "- my king."

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