Chapter 1: Does The Past Ever Leave?

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*15 years ago*
Choi Li sat in the cold room covered in blood, sweat and tears.
Her vision, blurry, her heart racing. Her mind trying to dissociate from the doctors pronouncing her boyfriend Min Yoongi and her best friend Kim Mina dead.
But her mind was basically dissociating it was Taehyung that pulled the trigger on Yoongi.
That ran Mina off the road and over the cliff.
She suddenly snap out of her trance as her father, Choi Ran, chief of police, walks into the room.
"Sweetheart are you alright? " he says running over to her and hugging her tightly. "I was so worried about you." She had never ever seen her father cry in all the time she has known him. He was a tough man. But he was loving and kind. "Papa, he killed them.... " she says out loud.
"I know sweetie, I know. " he says hugging you tightly. "You don't have to be here for this part, let me have my partner take you home. We already have your statement"
She shakes her head no. "I wanna hear what he has to say. " she says through a shaky voice.
"It will traumatize you... " he says trying to get her to stand on her feet.
"I'm already traumatized papa, I watched him kill them both. That's never gonna leave me. Please... I want to hear what he says. "
Chief Ran nods his head and motions for his partner to turn on the speaker and darken the room so the two way mirror comes into view. And that's when she gets a good look at Taehyung. He's staring right into the room. It was almost as if he was making eye contact with her.
"Papa... " she says in a shaky voice.
"Don't worry, he can't see or hear you. " he places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes it tightly.
"I understand why you killed her boyfriend, he was in your way. What I don't understand is why you killed her friend. She was completely innocent." The officer interrogating Taehyung says.
"She was helping hide her. And making excuses as to why I could never find her. When in reality she was screwing Yoongi behind my back. "
His words cause Li's cheeks to grow red and she looks up to her father in fear he would be disappointed.
He shakes his head. "There are worst things at hand here." He says tapping her shoulder.
Li felt her tears fall down her cheeks. And they burned the cuts that were still fresh and un bandaged.
She looked into Taehyung's eyes. They were cold and lifeless. She scolded herself for ever feeling any amount of love for this boy. She cursed herself for making as many excuses as she did for him.
"I know she's there. I know she can hear me." He says, his eyes looking straight into yours. His smirk sending chills up your spine.
"No one can hear you but me. " the officer says to him.
Taehyung laughs menacingly. "She wants to know why... I'll tell her why. Cause I liked it. I liked killing them. And I'll do it again. Before I die, I'll kill her too. " he licks his lips and winks.

*15 years later*
She sits straight up in bed and tries to calm herself from her panic attack.
She looked around her room to make sure she was alone. She felt her heart race slow and her breathing return to normal.
She reached by her bedside and open an orange container that held her anxiety medicine.
Same nightmare every night since the killings. Same terrifying feeling she felt when his eyes met hers.
Her father reassurred her time and time again that Taehyung couldn't see her. But she knew in her gut he could see her.
She knew in her gut, they were making eye contact the whole interview.
The next morning, Li woke up to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. That meant her father was awake. She had lived with her father since the killings for both of your sanities. And because this is where you felt safest.
And because....
There was a light knock at your door. "Oh Mom... " a young boys voice calls to you.
"Yea Min, what's wrong? "
"Grampa says it's time to ready for the day, that you have to ready for work. "
"Okay Min thank you for waking me. I'll be right down. "
It wasn't long after the killings that Li found out she was going to be a teenage mother. At first she was terrified and hid it from her father for months before finally caving in and telling him.
After she gave birth you named him Choi Min. After both Mina and Yoongi. And every day he grew to look more and more like his father.
After her morning routine, she walks downstairs confidently.
Today was her first day outside of internship. She would finally be able to be a director in the production company she worked for.
Her long hard work despite the constant turmoil and heartache in your life.
"Good morning mom!" Min greeted her. His crooked smile across his face. She had to hold her breath for a moment to keep her tears from falling. He looked more and more like his father when he was this age. And it broke her everyday. But she did her best to raise her son without him having any doubts or fears.
"You're in a good mood today, son. " she says as he playfully ruffles his hair.
"It's the first day of school mom, high school. "
"Oooo my wee boy already a teenager. Where did my baby go? " she says emotionally.
"Mom don't cry." He says rolling his eyes.
"Okay, okay. I won't cry. Is grampa taking you to school?" She asks curiously.
"No. I'm walking with my friends. " he says going to the door and taking his house slippers off and putting on his sneakers.
"Okay Min, go safely please. " she says through a smile.
"Okay, I'm going first!"
As he leaves, Li's father walks up behind her and pats her shoulder proudly.
"I'm proud of you, Li. You've raised him. You've lived your life well. You've accomplished so much. I'm proud of the woman you've become. "
Li turns to face her father. His face much older now, his tired expression washed over his face, but his smile beaming as he praised his daughter.
"Oh papa... " she says as you hug him tightly.
"Do you need a ride to work today? "
"No. I'll be fine. Besides I'm meeting Jimin at the coffee shop before work to discuss last minute production details. "
"Ooooo, miss Director! Oh, say, when  are you going to tell him you have feelings for him. "
Li blushes. "I'm not papa. "
"You can't live in fear forever, Li. Taehyung has life. He will never hurt you or anyone again. "
"I know papa. Besides, he doesn't want a woman with a 15 year old kid. " Li says.
"You don't know that. You won't know unless you try. "  he says.
"You didn't. " she says back.
"Your mom was my forever. I was already married and raising you when she was taken. "
Li grabs her purse from the side table and sighs at her father.
"I will think on it papa, but I must go now. " she says and then heads out the door.

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