Chapter 15: Goodbye

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Everything within the next 24 hours happened so fast.
Li was barely present for any of it. She tried her best to keep strong for Min, but inside she was dying.
Her father had been there through everything, she couldn't believe he was gone.
She didnt believe it was a heart attack that killed him. They had just spoken with his doctor before leaving the hospital and all tests and scans came back negative. And he was in perfect health conditions.
She knew Taehyung was behind this. But in her fathers will he said no to body examination and to be creamated, so she had no way of proving that Tae actually did it. She would have to figure out a way to get him to confess it. Which would mean she would have to come face to face with him, again.
The thought of being alone with Taehyung again sent shivers up her spine. And she wasn't too sure she would survive this time. But it was something she was willing to do, if it meant bringing justice to her father. And keeping Min and Jimin safe.

"Li...." Jimin's voice said to her softly.
"Yea..." she says looking up to him with tears in her eyes.
He wipes them gently and hugs her tightly. "Its time to go. Everyone is gone. And you should try and eat something." he says, gently running his fingers through her hair.
"I dont want to go."
"Cause once I leave here without him, I know its for good." she burries her face in his chest.
"I know....but I will be here for you to get through this together."
Li nods slowly as he kisses the top of her forehead. "Lets go home..." he says through a sigh.
"Okay, I will meet you outside. Just give me a minute." she says as she pulls away from him.
Jimin hesitates for a moment, but nods. "I will get Min and bring the car around. Ok?"
She smiles a small smile and nods. He turns on his heel ad Li watches carefully as he walks away. When she knew he was gone, she turned to her father's memorial altar and looked around.
"I know you are here. I know you are watching. It wasn't enough to take Mina, and Yoongi, was it? You had to take Papa too." she says to the room quietly as she looks around.
She turns her attention a thud she hears behind her, but as she turns around she doesnt see anything.
She chuckles and crosses her arms around her chest. "You are a coward. I am standing right here. Show yourself." she says. "You can even grab me before Jimin comes back." she laughs.

Outside the rain begins to fall rapidly to the ground. Jimin and Min are sitting in the car waiting for her to come out.
"Are you alright Min?" JImin asks curiously as he looks in the review mirror at him.
"Mm" he says quietly. "I just cant believe he is gone." he sighs tearfully.
"I know..." Jimin says looking away from the review.
"Thank you Jimin." Min says as he leans up and touches his shoulder firmly.
"For what?" he says turning to look at him in shock.
"For being there for my mom. For being a good friend to her all these years. For helping her. For not pressuring her. She cares a lot about you. And if...." he trails off.
Jimin nods and smiles. "I know I am not Yoongi, but if your mom will have me, then I will do my best to be who you need me to be." he places a hand firmly ontop of the one Min had on his shoulder. "I mean it."
"I know." Min says as he leans back.
"Did mom say what she was doing?" he aks curiously, shifting the subject.
"I think shes saying her final goodbyes." Jimin says as he turns back around, he looks out the window to see Li coming slowly down the stairs. "Oh there she is..." he says grabbing his umbrella and opening up the car door. He opens the umbrella quickly and runs up to Li so she doesnt get soaking wet. "Everything okay?" he asks as he puts an arm around her waist.
"Fine. Lets go home." she says as Jimin leads her down to the car.

Taehyung watched from the window of the hospital and smiles behind his mask as he watches Li get into Jimin's car and then they drive away. He had her right where he wanted her.

"You are a coward. I am standing right here. Show youreslf. You can even grab me before Jimin comes back."
Tae didn't move from where he was watching her. She was right. He was a coward. The biggest one of them all. But it still wasn't the right time to grab her yet.
He listened as she began to laugh. "You should have just stayed in prison if this was all you were going to do. Trust me, your memory was enough punishment for me. But I am not afraid of you anymore. I will fight you.
I am not the 16 year old little Li that you could push around and abuse. And if you touch my son...." she says inches away from where he was hiding. "If you touch Jimin, I will kill you myself. And I swear that here in front of my father."
And with that, she turns to leave. He watched as she disappeared down the hall and outside.
"We will see about that..." he whispers as the car drives away.

"Jimin..." Li says quietly as she looks over to him and puts her hand on his lap.
"Yes?" he says, his eyes not leaving the road but giving her a smile.
She turns and looks back at Min, and gives him a small smile as well.
"I am not sure if this is the right time to say so.....but I feel you deserve to know." she says, her heart beginning to race wildly with mixed emotions. Her tears falling from her eyes again.
"Mom, you are not dumping him are you?" Min says leaning up. "I just had a heart to heart with him, now I am gonna feel dumb if you dump him..." he says rolling his eyes.
Both Jimin and Li chuckle a little bit as she shakes her head no. "No I am not dumping him. I uh...I have been sick the last few days."
"Do I need to take you to the Doctor soon?" he asks, his voice full of concern.
"Mmm..." Li says.
"Okay...everything okay?" he asks, trying to keep his eyes on the road as best he could.
"I think.....I think I might be pregnant...." Li says the last part quietly.
"Really?!" Jimin says a little excitedly.
"Really mom?"
Li shakes her head yes as she leans her head back on her seat. She tries to push what she said to Taehyung at the hospital out of her mind. But her threat kept rining in her ears.
And she knew soon, he would be making his move.

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