Chapter 10: Never Forget

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Hi my loves! The flashback might be a little triggering. Its a little domestic.
Also there is a love scene as well. So only mature readers please.*


"Why dont you tell your dad about all the threats Taehyung keeps saying to you? You have them all on your phone?" Mina says as she pushes the hair from Li's tear soaked face.
"I dont think he is serious Mina, hes just upset." she says as she wipes her tears.
"Are you serious Li, he is stalking you and calling you endlessly. You need to tell your dad. He could handle this quickly."
Just as Li was about to say something, Taehyung comes bolting down the sidewalk towards them.
"Mina go, go..."
"Are you crazy? I am not going anywhere."  Mina says stepping in front of you.
Taehyung stopped suddenly as Mina stepped in front of Li. "Move Mina. This doesnt concern you."
"Damn right it does Tae, shes practically my sister. Dont you dare come at her like that."  she says and turns around and locks her arm within Li's and tries to walk away. "Lets go. We are going to your father."
This made Tae furious as he put his foot out in front of Mina, causing her to trip and moving aside as she starts to fall.
Li tried to reach out and help her, but Tae grabbed her wrists tightly and pulled her away.
Mina groaned out in pain as her knees hit the sidewalk.
"Why are you doing this!" Tae shouts at Li's face.
"Tae stop you are hurting me." Li begs as starts to cry again. "You said you would never hurt me."
"I am not trying to hurt you damn it Li, I am trying to show you that I love you. Only you. Everyone keeps getting in the way and interfering." he shouts again.
"HEY!" a voice shouted.
Everyone looked over to see Yoongi walking closer to them, his fist were clenched tightly, and an angry expression was washed across his face.
"Get your fucking hands off of her." he says as he bends down to help Mina up first. "Are you alright?"
"Yea, get her away from him."Mina says pushing Yoongi away from her.
"Li come talk with me now. Leave Taehyung alone." he says reaching out for Li's hand. She looked to Yoongi confused. She wasnt the one messing with Tae, he was messing with her.
She looked into Yoongi's eyes and he smiled reassuringly as he nodded his head. "Its okay, you can come talk with me now." he says. And she realizes what hes doing. He was trying to keep the situation peaceful without violence. Which wasnt like Yoongi, normally he striked and asked questions later.
She looked back to Tae as he tightened his grip around her wrist and pulled her closer. "Dont you dare..." he says in her ear causing a chill to go up her spine.
She looked back to Yoongi and locked gazes with him as his hand fell back by his side. Li nodded her head no and looked away.
"Taehyung, I am asking this while I am being nice, and you know, I am not nice, let the girl go."
Tae laughed and started to walk away, dragging Li by the wrist.
"Dont do it Tae...." Yoongi warns one more time. But Tae just keeps walking while ignoring him.
"Alright, fine then. Have it your way." Yoongi says as he now sprints forward catching up with them. "Sorry for this..." he says to Li as he grabs her by the arm and shoves her away from Tae. She falls with a hard thud to the ground and looks up in time to see Yoongi's first making contact with Tae's face.
Tae stepped back and touched his cheek and laughed. "Fuck you Yoongi." he spits.
"The fuck is wrong with you Taehyung, this isnt you." he says kicking him in the chest and causing Tae to fly slightly backward and fall flat on his back.
"AHHHHISHHH!" Tae screams out as Yoongi walks over to him and kicks his legs.
"Get the fuck out of here Tae before I really hurt you." Yoongi says turning around and walking over to Li.
He bends down and extends his hand out to her again, his smile returning again. "Are you alright? I am sorry, I didnt mean to shove you. Please dont think I am like that." he says apolegeticly. His dark hair shimmering in the sunlight. His eyes searching all over her for marks, or any sign of hurt.
"I am fine Yoongi. Thank you." she says as she takes his hand. He squeezes it lightly and helps her to her feet.
Li couldnt help herself but as she stood up she reached over to Yoongi and hugged him tightly. Her tears falling from her eyes. Sobbing loudly into his chest.
At first Yoongi didnt know what to do, he didnt expect this reaction from her. But he wrapped his arms tightly around her and caressed her head.
"Its alright....its alright..." he says soothingly. "Come on, lets go get Mina and take you guys home. I will walk with you, and we can talk when we get there...."
"Thank you Yoongi..."  she says looking up into his eyes.
But what she didnt see was Taehyung still behind them, staring at Yoongi touching her. Getting angrier by the minute.
"I am gonna fucking kill you." He yells at them. "All 3 of you...."
*End flashback*

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