Chapter 12: Min Meets Taehyung

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*A week after the Taehyung being granted parole*

Min was walking down the street with his best friend Lee Hwan. They had just left the convieant store across the street from his house with two bags full of kimbap and little sandwhiches.
A typical afternoon spent roaming the streets, passing out food to anyone that needed it, or was short on money.
This was something the two of them started doing after Min watched his mothers short film on bringing awarness to the homeless people in their city. It was also the short film that got her promoted to assiant director. It was a film that made him proud of his mother. Not that he already was proud of his mother, but bringing awarness to the homeless when so many turned a blind eye, made him very proud to be her son. Especially after everything she had been through.
After spending an hour walking around, the two boys were down to one sandwich each and they decided they were going to sit at the park and eat them.
"How did your mom's hearing go, by the way?" Hwan asks curiously, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"The bastard got parole." he says angrily.
"Damn. They really gave him parole?"
"Mm." Min says nodding his head and concentrating on opening the sandwich. "Supposedly since the crimes took place when he was a teenager, and hes been "Working on himself" they think he can be rehabilitated. Grampa says they are gonna move him out of the district or some shit."
Min looks up after explaning the situation and seees someone sitting across from them a few feet away, he was wearing a large hoodie and a mask was over his face.
"My mom just texted me, I have to head home now." Hwan says standing up.
"You go first, I will head back to my house shortly." he says wrapping his sandwhich back up.
"Alright. Go safely." Hwan says as he waves to his friend and turns to leave.
Min then stands up and walks over to the stranger. Normally he wouldnt talk to strangers, but since they gave homeless people food all the time, this was normal behavior for him.
"Excuse me..." Min says as he walks over. "Are you hungry?"
Taehyung looked up and smiled behind the mask. He had been watching Min for awhile now. It wasn't that difficult to find him. Li was stupid for staying in the same spot for all these years. Especially when her son is the spitting image of Yoongi. He watched him frequently enough to know that he often helped the homeless people around town. So he knew eventually at some point he could get him to approach him if he wanted him too. As Taehyung looked up, he shook his bangs from his eyes to make eye contact with Min. Min smiled and bowed respectfully and held out the sandwhich.
"If you are hungry, you can have this. I can always eat when I get back home."
"Thank you." Taehyung says as he takes the sandwhich.

And so for the rest of the week, Taehyung would return to the spot where Min first approached him. And Min would always return, sometimes with his friend, sometimes alone.
Taehyung didnt talk much. He wasn't sure if the boy would recognize his voice from the tv coverage of his trial. But Min seemed to trust him, and so he took what interactions he could get. And he always kept his mask over his face.

"So whats your story?" Min asks the night before Taehyung made the phone call to Li.
"What do you mean?" Taehyung says looking over to him.
"Eeveryone I have helped always has a story to tell me. So I am just curious what yours is."
"Mmm..." Taehyung says as he looks up to the sky. "I made some mistakes, I guess you could say."
"We all make mistakes." says Min matter of factly.
"This is true. But, I have made some big ones." Taehyung says looking over to Min again.
Min looked into his eyes, but this time they seemed  different. Like he had seen them before.
Just then Min's phone rings and he takes it from his pocket. Taehyung quickly looked over to the phone to see "Mom" across the screen and the number.
"Oh, moms calling..." he says.
Tae quickly memorized the number that was the screen and smiled behind his mask as Min answered. "Gotcha."  he thinks to himself.
"I gotta go. My mom needs me home. I will bring you some noodles tomorrow. Mom always makes them fresh on Friday's. So be here, ok?"
Taehyung nods up to Min. And Min bowed respectfully as he turned on his heel and walked away.
"By the way.." he says turning back around. "I never got your name..."
"You can just call me Hae." he says quickly making a name up on the spot.
Min raised his eyebrow but nodded. "Im Choi Min." he says, bowing once more and then continuing to walk away.
Taehyung smiled a victorious smile as he pulled his phone from his pocket and saves Li's number into his contacts.

*2 Days After The Phone Call Was Made and Li and Min stayed with Jimin*

Taehyung sat angrily at the park thinking about what his next moves should be. It was too soon in the game to take the boy. She was going to be expecting that. It was too soon to make a move towards Jimin, they would all be expecting that.
The audacity she had to fuck Jimin while she knew he was watching, it was like she was trying to make it worse for herself.
He put a finger to his chin and let his mind wander to the night he snuck into her bedroom at her old house. Tripping the wire for her father's security system was almost too easy. He would have figured with all the technology advances over the years, the old man would've upgraded. But no, it was almost childs play getting in.
He had walked into her room and saw her sleeping peacefully. Same way she did as a teeanger. A pillow between her knees, and a blanket across her mid section.
He walked over to her and ran a finger down her cheek. She flinched slightly, and rolled over.
"Run away..." he heard her say to herself. "Run away....he isnt who he says he is..." 
He took a step back and tripped slightly and fell onto the small couch she had across from her bed. And thats when she jolted upright in a panic.
He watched her as she leaned over to her bed side table to turn the light on, but before she could she saw him sitting there.
She screamed in terror amd backed herself off her bed to the point where she fell.
Apart of him felt bad that he inflicted so much fear in her and wanted to go over to help her, but instead he decided to bolt behind the open door as her father entered the room.
As he tried to calm her down, he quietly snuck past them and he ran down the stairs quickly and out the front door.
It was almost too easy. But ihe almost got caught too.

"HAE!" Min's voice called out to him as he ran over.
Tae looked up, breaking himself from his thoughts. Min ran over to him, out of breath and sat down next to him.
"Sorry I havent been able to meet with you the last few days. Some stuff came up and well, yea. Sorry." he says apollegeticly and hands Tae a bag of food.
"I know I promised noodles, but my mom is going through a lot right now and she hasn't made them. I hope you weren't too hungry while I was gone."
Tae takes the bag. "No worries. I managed." he says.
"I might not be able to come around much more often." Min says looking to the ground. "My mom is talking about moving from here for awhile, but I will have Hwan bring you food by if that happens."
This peaked Tae's interest as he looked over to the boy.
"Why are you moving? If you dont mind me asking."
"Did you ever hear about those murders that happened here 15 years ago? With the teeangers?"
"Yea." Taehyung says his heart pounding fast behind his chest now.
"My other was the only victim to survive. I guess hes stalking her again. She thinks moving will solve the problem." he says shrugging. "Still trying to make sense of it honestly, since my grampa is the head of the police."
Tae tried to keep his anger in check as he unclenched his fists. If she honestly thinks leaving will solve the problem, she is sadly mistaken.
"Well anyways, I have to get going before she gets worried. Like I said, when I cant I will have Hwan bring you by some food." he says standing up and without saying anything else, hurries off.
Tae took his phone from his pocket and tried to dial Li's number, but it still wasn't going through.
She must have had it disconnected when he called her the first time.
"Damnit!" he shouts as shoves his phone in his pocket.
He had to make a move quick, he just needed to plan and figure out exactly what that move was going to be.

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