Chapter 8: Taehyung

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Li smiled happily as she waved over to Mina. It was nice to see her smiling face again. Even if it was only in her memories. "Hurry up and come over here, I have something to tell you!" Mina says in a rushed tone.
"Okay okay!" she calls back to her. She sits down next to her best friend and straightenes out her school uniform, smoothing out the creases in her skirt and then leaning her head into the palm of her hand as she leans her elbow on the table. "What is it that you are in such a rush?" she ask curiously, expecting her friend to tell her about some random dumb school gossip.
"Taehyung is gonan tell you that he likes you today." Mina says grabbing Li's shoulder excitedly and shaking her a little.
Li sat straight up and pushed her friends hand from her arm. "Yea right Mina."  Li scoffs as she rolls her eyes.
"You dont believe me?" she asks raising her eyebrow in shock.
"I believe a good portion of things you tell me, but a boy telling me he likes me, and Taehyung of them all? No I dont believe you." she says matter of factly.
Mina looked over her shoulder and smiled as she caught sight of Taehyung walking towards them.
"Well I guess you are about to find out, then." she smiles as she stands up.
Li turns around quickly to see Taehyung walking towards them and then turns back to her friend who was gathering all of her things up. "Where are you going?" Li says in panic.
"I have piano lessons this afternoon, so I will get going first." she says as she starts to walk away.
Li holds grabs her wrist, causing her to stop in her tracks. "Dont leave me by myself." she says with a small smile.
Mina returned the smile and pushed her hand away. "You will do fine, I promise. Just smile and say how you feel, ok? Anyways, Im going first, good luck!" she winks down at her and then turns to walk away.
"What do I do?" Li whispers to herself as she feels a light tap on her back. She turns and looks up to see Taehyung standing next to her. She smiled a nervous smile. "Hi Taehyung." she says shly.
"Can I sit next to you, or will she be returning?" he asks, cocking his head to the side.
"Yes you can sit there." she says, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. She could the warmth from the blush as she tried to avoid his eyes.
"Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" he asks curiously as he reached out to touch the color on her cheeks. This made her heart race more and her cheeks to feel even hotter than before.
She bit her bottom lip and looked away from Taehyung's eyes. He pulled her face up by her chin with an index finger, making her look at him again.
"This is just any other normal day, and any other normal conversation between friends, right?" he smiles looking down at her biting her bottom lip.
"Stop doing that...." he says, taking his thumb and runningi t across her bottom lip. This causes her stomach to turn like a rollercoaster and her heart to beat even faster.
She then pulls away from his touch and sighs. "Yea, just any other normal day." she says through a shrug.
"I need to tell you something..." he says through a smile.
"What is it?" She asks trying to pretend like she doesnt know what Mina said to her.
"Rather its something to ask you..." he says.
"Yes, go on..." Li says growing a little impatient.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" he blurts out.
"Really? You want me as your girlfriend? Of all people?"
"Why not? We have been friends for so long, and we already know so much about each other. I can tell you like me alot and I like you. So, just say you will be my girlfriend."
Li hesitates for a moment and she bites her bottom lip again. She couldnt help it, it was something she did when she was concentrating.
Suddenly Taehyung's face is inches from hers and he smirks. "I said dont do that..." he says quietly.
"Why not?" she says as she moves closer to his face.
"Because it drives me crazy." he says and then leans in to kiss her.

No. You should run. Li's mind shouts at herself from her memory. You should walk away now while you still can. He isnt who he says he is.

Li sits straight up in her bed, shaking and covered in sweat. Even her better memories of Tae seemed to shake her up bad. She had a hard time grasping that the sweet boy who loved her, was the one who turned into a cold blooded killer.
She reached over to the her bed side table to get her medications that calmed her panic attacks, and as she did she could have swore she seen the shadow of a person sitting on the small couch she had across from her bed.
She let out a loud scream as she backed her way off her bed and she falls with a loud thump on her floor.
She was uncontrollably shaking at this point, and she jumped a little as her father entered the room and flipped on the light.
"Whats going on Li? Are you alright? Is it another nightmare?" he says leaning down to her.
"He was here..." she says through a shaky voice. "I saw him, he was right there..." she looks over to the couch where she saw the shadow figure sitting, but there was no one there now.
"Honey, no one was here." he says helping her to her feet. "Come on, let me help you back to your bed."
"Papa, he was here. Please go check on Min." she says in a worried voice.
"Li, if he were to actually get passed the security system, it would have been tripped long before he could even get to you or Min. I promise you. I understand you are afraid casuse he is out now, but I assure you that they are moving him somewhere else for the reasons and will be heavily monitored. And I am telling you, he was not here."
Li wanted desperately to believe her father's words, but she knew deep down inside, she saw him sitting there.
"Papa this is gonna drive me to insanity." she says as she leans her head on knees and sighs heavily.
"No it wont. I wont let anything happen to you or Min. I promise. Now, please try and get some rest. And call for me if you need me, ok?"
"Okay..." she says with a small smile.

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