Chapter 5

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*A month later*

Li woke up this particular morning with extra anxiety. She had not seen Taehyung in fifteen years. Since he had made the threat on her life and laughed about it.
Since her fathers partner pulled him out of the interview room and took him away.
She had relived the nightmare over daily in her dreams, but as for pyshically ever seeing him, today would be the first day in 15 years he would lay eyes on him.
And she was terrified. She had hoped to never be sitting in the room with him again, but she needed to do this for the safety of her son. She didnt even care about her own safety, she just wanted a guarnteee that Min would be safe.
And if testifying against Taehyung would keep him safe, then she would gladly do it a thousand times over.

"Mom, I want to go." Min protests as he slams his fists onto the table.
"Choi Min!" Li's father says in a stern voice. "Now you stop. Its bad enough your mother had to see the things she did when she was your age, and now she has to go again to make sure this person doesnt get out. This is no place for you. If its something you shouldnt be in, then you shouldnt be in it."
Li looked from her father and to her son. She could see the grief on his face. How he understood, but didnt understand at the same time. How he grieved someone that he had never even met.
"He killed my father grampa. I will never know who he is, because he took that from me." he says as his voice breaks. Li could feel her tears grow in her own eyes and she wanted to reach out and hold her son and somehow take his pain away. But as she was standing up, he ran past them both and into the living room. "Fine, I will be going first." he says as he grabs his school bag and heads out the door, slamming it behind him.
"Aishh..." Ran says as he sits back down and runs his fingers up the bridge of his nose. "Im sorry, Li. Im sorry that you have to relive all this again." he sighs heavily.
"He was right papa. Even though he never said it, I could see what he wanted to say. This doesnt just affect me anymore, it affects him as well. He robbed him of the years with Yoongi that he should have had. It isnt fair."
she says quietly.
"Sweetie, hes just a child."
"So was I, papa. I became an adult way faster than I needed too."
"And he shouldnt have too. Let him be a child for as long as he can. Be there for him, like the good mother you are. Comfort him, and protect him. But dont put him in things he doesnt need to be in. It will twist his mind. And he doesnt need that."
In a way, Li knew her father was right. And she sighed and sat down at the table.
"Is Jimin meeting us here or at the courthouse?" Ran asks curiously.
"At the courthouse."
"Well then we should get going." he says as he stands to his feet.

*At the courthouse*

As they arrived and parked next to Jimin's car, Jimin hurried to Li's side of the car and opened her door and helped her out. He could see that she was as pale as a ghost and trembling a little. He wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her balance and squeezed her hand tightly.
"Hey, its all going to be okay." he whispers in her ear. "Im right here with you."
She nods her head and they begin walking towards the large building.
"Im gonna be sick..." she says quietly as she lets go of Jimin's hand and runs inside and into the bathroom.

Li stood in front of the bathroom mirror and sobbed loudly. She was sicker than a dog, and at this point she wouldnt be able to hide it from her father anymore. He was going to notice she wasnt eating well.
Even with everything going on, she was going to therapy and taking medications for the trauma and PTSD of the killings, she was doing better, until now. He was going to notice very soon that she wasnt eating and that she spent majority of her time in the bathroom.
There was a light knock on the door and Li tried to quiet her sobbing, but the tears wouldnt stop flowing. She thought of Yoongi and what he would say if he were here. She could hear Mina's gasps and beaming voice at the sound of the news. And Li's tears kept falling.
"Li? Sweetie are you alright?" her fathers voice called out to her and a light knock again. But she couldnt answer. She was too consumed by her grief. She thought this was all a cruel joke. Taehyung did more than take his revenge on her, she robbed her of precious time with the people she needed to share this new life with.
She thought of her own mother too, how she would react if she were here. How she wished she was alive now to hold her as she cried. To tell her it would all be okay.
She missed the comfort her mothers arms brought her when the whole world seemed to be ending.
Li grasped onto herself tightly as her father called out to her again.
" Li I can hear you in there, and you are worrying me, please come out and tell me whats wrong."
Li hesitated for a moment as she stared at the doorknob. She took a deep breathe in and readied herself as she opened the door to face her father.
"Sweetheart, whats wrong?" he asks looking at his daughter's tear soaked face.
"Papa, please dont be disappointed in me." she says quietly looking away from his eyes.
"Hey now, you are my daughter. I am very proud to know you. Dont ever be afraid to tell me anything." he says hugging her tightly.
Li relaxed into her fathers embrace as she calmed herself down.
"Papa, Im pregnant..." she whispers the confession.

*Present Day*
Li comes out of the bathroom to see Jimin and her father talking nervously talking just a little ways from where she was and in front of two double doors.
The double doors were very famaliar to her. They were the same ones she entered 15 years ago.
She walked slowly over to them as she tried to weakly smile at him.
"Are you alright?" Jimin asks with a worried tone as he moved close to Li's side.
"Yes. I just want to get this over with." she says nervously.
Just then an officer sticks his head out of the doors and looks over to the three of them. "Dectetive, we are all waiting for you to bring her in. When shes ready, please come in so we can proceed."
"Thank you." Ran says as he nods to the officer.
"Ready?" he asks as he pats her shoulder.
"Is he already in there?" she asks, the fear obviously in her voice.
"Yes. He was brought in first." her father says through a sigh.
Li takes in a deep breath as she looks towards the doors.
"Okay....lets go inside." she whispers as she walks towards the doors. She pushes them open and walks inside. And its like the whole room froze and started to move in slow motion. She looked over to the side of her to see Mina's parents sitting on the benches beside her. She didnt dare look up to the front. She wasnt ready to see him yet. But she knew he was turned around looking at her. She could feel his gaze piercing her.
She sat down next to Mina's mother and Jimin sat down next to her, as her father made his way up to the front.
"Are Yoongi's parents coming?" she whispered to Mina's mother.
She looked at Li and sighed heavily as she took her hand and squeezed it tightly. "No. His mother said she couldnt go through it all again. Which no one can blame her. So we are all here for her and him. And Mina too of course."
Li could see that she was holding back her tears. This had to be very hard for them. She couldnt help feel responsible for the loss of their daughter. The closure they must not feel because she will never return home from that drive.
And then she took in a deep breath and looked up to the front. And she was greeted by a pair of famaliar eyes.
She didnt look away. She was too entranced by them. She didnt feel fear like she expected. Nor hatred. She didnt feel anything.
All she could do was stare, as he stared right back at her.

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