A supposed normal day (for now-)

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Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)



SO yeah, its just like any other day living with my two best friends Mariana and Zaria. We were just chillin and getting bored. Me and Zaria were watching Demon Slayer while trying to get Mariana to watch with us but she was more interested in whatever was on her phone.

"You really would rather have the need to be looking at hot guys you wanna date than watching a movie with us?" asked Zaria.

Mariana looked up from her phone and glared at her.

"This show is too long and I don't have the patience to watch it." Mariana said.

Its literally only 26 episodes but okay-

"Then do you wanna watch the movie with us?" I asked her.

She didn't seem to acknowledge me, as she was still looking at her phone. I sighed and rolled my eyes and looked over to Zaria. I motioned her to come over to whisper something to her. She leaned in closer.

"You go take Mariana's phone and lock it in the box so she'll watch the movie with us." I whispered in her ear.

She nodded and smirked. I smirked back and sat back to watch the shit show play out. Zaria walked over to Mariana and stood behind her. I watched as Mariana noticed her presence but tried to ignore her. Zaria then started to make weird faces that showed on the reflection of the phone screen. Mariana sighed and turned to face her.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

"Yes." Replied Zaria with a half-ass smirk.

"And what would that be?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"This!" Yelled Zaria as she grabbed Mariana's phone from her hand.

"hEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" Mariana yelled.

"nEvER!" Yelled Zaria as she started to run to the box.

Mariana bolted after her.

I've never seen her run this fast.

(Oh, and in case you're wondering what "the box" is, it's a tiny safe in each of our closets where we only know our own codes so we hide secret stuff in it. So yeah.)

I heard Mariana's frustrated yell, and then a door slam shut followed by a lot of angry banging.


"OooOHhh sO ScaRy!" Zaria mocked from behind the door.

I heard banging on the door continue until I heard Zaria's door open.

They both came down the stairs and Zaria had a narcissistic smirk on her face while Mariana had a look of defeat.

"Fine. I'll watch your stupid movie with you." Mariana grumbled.

"Yaaaayyy!" Me and Zaria cheered.

We all sat down on the couch and began to watch the movie. By the end of the movie we were all huddled together and sobbing our eyes out.

"NoOooO! He was like one of the good characters I actually liked!" Sobbed Mariana.

"I know right?" I replied also sobbing.

Once the three of us were done sobbing and wiped our eyes with tissues, we got up from our lazy asses on the couch to do something.

"I want my phone now." Said Mariana.

"Oh yeah." Said Zaria.

She walked upstairs and came back down a few minutes later with Mariana's phone.

"Here's your boyfriend's back." Zaria said while handing the phone to her.

"Thanks." Mariana said as she took it.

We all started to clean up the living room since we spilled popcorn all over the floor in the middle of the movie. As we were cleaning up, I looked over to the TV and saw it getting brighter.

"Uhhh. Is that normal?" I asked while pointing to the TV.

They both turned their heads towards the TV.

"That is a little weird. Maybe just shut the TV off?" suggested Mariana.

I picked up the remote and tried to shut the TV off, but it wouldn't turn off. I clicked the button a few more times but it still wouldn't shut off.

"You can turn it off any day now." said Zaria.

"I'm trying but it won't budge!" I said.

"Ugh, let me try."

Zaria grabbed the remote from my hand and pressed the button. The TV still didn't turn off and she started spamming the button.

"Jeez. You're gonna destroy that remote if you keep pressing it like that." said Mariana.

"Y/n's right, it won't turn off." said Zaria as she threw the remote away.

The TV started to glow white brighter, and brighter every second.

"Aww shit, this ain't gonna end good." I said.

"No shit Sherlock." replied Zaria.

The TV kept getting brighter until it was too bright to look at. The three of us shielded our eyes from the light and tried to look the opposite way. After a few seconds which felt like hours passed, the light dimmed down and the TV shut off completely. 

The three of us dropped our hands slowly and looked at each other with a 'what the fuck just happened' look. 

"what just happened?" Zaria asked.

"No clue." I replied shaking my head.

Before we could say another word to each other, we heard groaning. The three of us froze and slowly turned back towards the TV. We froze at the sight we saw. Laying on the ground half conscious, half unconscious were fricken demons. And of course they were no other than...











And fucking Micheal Jackso- Uh I mean, Muzan Kibutsuji.

"Haha we're so FUCKED." I stated with my hands on my hips.

Both Zaria and Mariana smacked me uphead.


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