🎄IZSACRIMAAAAS (Translation: It's Christmas but we didn't plan anything :D)Pt 2

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Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)



Its been a few hours and everyone now had an outfit they were okay with or could deal with for the time being(*cough cough*Akaza arguing about wearing a shirt*cough cough*)

The demons also changed into their "human forms" and it was fucking weird as fuck. It was currently around 4:30 and the sun was starting to set due to time changes during winter.

We were all currently crowded in the boot-room, getting ready and prepared to walk down to the bus station to catch a bus to the skating rink. There was little to no room to move around and everyone was struggling to find coats and mitts.

"OI! MOVE YOUR FAT ASS!" Zaria yelled over to Mariana.

"It not my fault! Akaza is basically hovering over me and pushing me down!" Mariana replied.

"Douma is the one pushing ME down!" Akaza replied.

"Oh?~ Like this?" Douma asked with a shit eating grin and leaned back down farther. By doing that, he set off some sort of chain reaction which caused Akaza to lean onto Mariana, Mariana to lean onto Zaria, Zaria to lean on someone else and this whole problem started.

"DOUMA!" everyone yelled.

Douma cackled as he was leaning on top of a pile, if you could even call it that, made up by everyone else. I was right by the door,thank god, so I put all of my Y̶/̶n̶u̶s̶s̶y̶ energy that wasn't crushed by the amount of people over me, and opened the front door. I squeezed through and found my way outside at the front.

"Oh god, fresh air!" I exclaimed dramatically.

Zaria and Mariana were quick to follow. They both practically stumbled outside and gasped for air like they were kept in a underground jail for 30 years.

"It's so fresh!" Zaria exclaimed, arms stretched out dramatically.

"Right?" Mariana added.

Everyone else kinda spaced out now and it was a little easier for them to get ready. We barley had enough coats for everyone but we were lucky that demons could tolerate the cold.

"Wait, why did they need coats if they can literally stand in -31 degrees and be fine?" Mariana asked.

I shrugged in response.

"I just don't want people to be questioning us I guess, I dunno." I replied.

Just at that moment, everyone started coming out of the boot-room and into the outside. When everyone was out, I went back to the door and locked it so no one would steal any of our stuff. Not like we have much of it-

"How far away is the walk to the bus station?" Rui asked.

"It's about a 15 minute walk. Were lucky its decently nice outside today." I replied.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Onward everybody!" Zaria exclaimed as she started marching away.

Zaria was at the front, leading us all to our destination. Me and Mariana were right by her side and a little behind, Rui, Enmu and Akaza were behind us followed by Nakime and Daki, While Muzan and Kokushibo were behind then and Domua was in the very back.

The sun was practically set by now. It wasn't dark dark outside but it was dark enough that we could go out without the demons burning up.

Thanks to the weather, It was nice enough for the walk to be peaceful for the most part. There was the occasional snowball throwing at others and running ahead so they weren't killed, but it was fine.

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