Game Night 🎲

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Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)



Right now it is around 7:00pm and we are BORED YET AGAIN, so me Zaria and Mariana decided to make a bet which was we all hang upside down on the couch and whoever stays upside down the longest wins and gets 10 bucks from the losers. Enmu and Doma decided to join us even though they don't get affected by this stuff. It's been about 5 minutes so far and none of us had forfeit. Mariana, however looked close to giving up since blood was rushing to her head.

"Just give up! You cannot win this!" I yelled over to Mariana.

"Never!" She yelled back.

Muzan walked into the room with Rui beside him and just stood in front of us.

"What are you doing now?" He asked, clearly unimpressed with our ways of life.

"Trying to win a bet!" I replied.

He just stood there and watched us like a stone statue. His glare is creepy Ngl.

Nakime was on the floor beside me, playing music on her Biwa. I really wanted to ask her if she could play Isabella's Lullaby on that thing but I'll ask later when I finish this.

I looked over to Zaria and she was not struggling at all. She was even crossing her arms like nothing was affecting her.

"Aww you going to give out soon too?" I asked with a joking tone to my voice.

She looked over and smirked at me.

"Not until everyone else drops." She smirked.

"We'll see about that." I smirked back.

Not even 30 seconds later, Mariana put her hand over her mouth and sat up. Her face was red and she looked like she was gonna barf at any minute.

"You barf on me and I'm gonna beat you up standing upside down." Zaria glared at her.

Mariana shook it off with her other hand.

"Just nauseous." She stated.

Enmu and Doma were still upside down beside me and Zaria.

"Aw, give up so soon?" taunted Doma.

"You try being a human and doing this." she mumbled back.

It's been almost 7 minutes since Mairana forfeited and to be honest I was starting to get nauseous myself. I don't normally get nauseous like Mariana but it's been like about 12 minutes upside down and it wasn't the best feeling if I say so myself.

Everyone was now in the living room, sitting in a somewhat circle, waiting for the loser to give up or forfeit. Doma and Enmu got bored and sat with the rest of the people.

I looked over to Zaria and she STILL had her arms crossed and it didn't look like she was ready to give up. She must've known I was looking at her because she turned her head towards me and smirked.

"Giving up yet?" She asked tauntingly.

"Fuck you. I'm gonna win this." I said.

I regretted getting too cocky because after I said that, I felt like I was going to puke and then pass out. I tried to keep my pose, but I felt like my arms were going to give out any minute. Zaria had a smirk across her face as she watched me struggle.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that~" she teased.

I ignored her and tried to focus on not passing out, but I was getting close to giving up.

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