Oh no...

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I was peacefully slumbering away in my own bed, giving 0 fucks about what would be happening outside of my dream. Well, that was until my mind decided to be a bitch and wake me up but only halfway. My eyelids were halfway opened but my mind was no where awake. I was about to fall back asleep before Mariana and Zaria came bursting through my door, almost ripping off its hinges. 

"Y/N GET YO LAZY ASS UP WE HAVE A SITUATION DOWNSTAIRS!!!" Zaria screamed at the top of her lungs.

"BAH!" I screamed and fell off my bed. I hit my head against the pole and landed with an oof. I rubbed my head and stood up groggily to look at the two dumbasses that broke into my room.

"What is going on??" I asked them.

"No time to explain so get yo fuckin ass downstairs right now before I drag you by your teeth!" Zaria yelled as she ran back downstairs.

"You might wanna hurry for this one." Mariana said, rushing after Zaria.

What the fuck is going on???

I stood up and made my way downstairs to see what the commotion was all about. As I was walking down the stairs, I could hear the voices of the demons sounding like arguing, but I also heard a couple of voices that I didn't recognise.

Once I stood at the bottom of the stair cases, my eyes almost popped out of my sockets at the scene before me. I stood there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open, trying to spit out any word but to no avail.

There in front of my eyes, stood not one

not five

 not three

...wait it is three.





These new demons that were standing in the living room clueless as shit. These demons pretty much 

- The other crusty sibling - Gyutaro

- The demon with many emotions - Hantengu (how tf am I gonna write him-)

- the one whom lives in pots - Gyokko

"...what the shit happened while I was asleep????" I blurted out finally.

All eyes were on me and I immediately felt regret all throughout. I whipped my head towards Zaria and Mari for and explanation.

"We know no fucking thing. We literally got up, walked downstairs and saw these demons ready to throw hands as we walked in." Mariana explained.

"Were so lucky that the others, mostly Muzan, stopped them before we were splattered all over the walls." Zaria added.

"I am very confused to what is happening right now. How did I get here?" Gyutaro asked, scratching his neck.

"Hyo Hyo, This really is an interesting place!" Gyokko exclaimed, climbing out of some random ass pot I forgot we had.

"How can you be so excited Gyokko? This is Scary." Hantengu trembled. 

"Oh god do we really have to explain everything again?? Alright, lets speed run through this. I am Y/n, a human. You guys got fucking yeeted from your dimension into ours but your fictional in this world." I quickly explained.

"So in other words...there's no way back hone yet?" Hanatengu asked, shaking.

"Not that we know of." Zaria replied.

"How scary!"

I only now realised on how Daki was clinging onto Gyutaro with her life. I felt a ting of guilt inside me because they only had each other in their life and being separated probably wasn't the best feeling for them.

"So...what happens now?" Akaza asked, arms crossed.

"I guess...the same as you guys. they'll stay here until we can somehow find a way to get you guys back to where you came from. So...make yourselves at home." I stated.

While the 3 fugly lookin whores got acquainted with their new surroundings, I decided to make myself a hot cup of coffee because there was no way in hell i'd fall back asleep after this morning events.

Thank god Mariana. You already made some! saves my lazy ass some time.

Pouring myself a cup, I walked over towards the and fucking flopped onto it like it was a trampoline. I lazily grabbed the remote and started scrolling through channels.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Rui yelled at me.

"Alright, Alright. You continue watching SpongeBob." I replied.

I put the remote down and looked over to my side to see Enmu watching the show as well.

"Good show?" I teased him.

"I can't find myself to look away." He replied, staring into the deep soul of the TV.

I looked over towards our new guests to find that they already settled in. Gyokko was currently talking with douma about murder and other things.


Gyutaro was still with Daki but now Akaza joined the chat.


And lastly, Hantengu was absolutely on the verge of sobbing on the floor. Damn demon gonna get mah floors wet.

Partially Slayed.

Muzan and Kokushibo were at the kitchen table, playing some sort of card game. If I'm not kistaken I'm pretty sure they mightve been playing Rumoli but instead of quarters they were using random gem rocks that are used for arts and crafts.


Wait a damn minute where tf is Nakime??

I lifted my head to see Nakime sitting beside Enmu, also watching SpongeBob.

"You like the show too?" I asked her.

"The spider child smacks my hand whenever I tried to change it." She replied.

I hummed in response.

Mariana and Zaria came over and sat on the floor like the peasants they are. (Jk)

"Ah yes, my foot stool has arrived." I joked.

"Put your feet on me and I'll snap them I  half." Zaria threatened, glaring at me.

"How nice of you." Enmu butted in.

"I know." She replied all innocent.

The rest of the morning was spent pretty chill and well relaxed. Nobody really did anything too out of the ordinary and the new whores caught onto our world pretty quick so the questions were manageable.

The afternoon came and most of us were starting to get board. Most were trying to make small talk with eachother while Enmu resorted to aggravating Rui.

Just before Rui could fling Enmus ass out the window and into the sun, Mariana came running into he room, holding up a old console.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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