The Deal (dun dun dunnnnn)

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Enjoy =)


Y/n's POV


I was lost in thought and panicking on what to do. I mean, were just talking to the demon king so casually but it probably won't last long before he kills us.

We needed a plan and fast but I'm not very smart so I needed help from my two idiot friends (if you know where that's from I love you)

"Can I talk to you too in private for a minute.?" I asked Zaria and Mariana.

They both nodded and we carefully slipped away from everyone.

"So what's up?" Asked Zaria.

There's like demons in our living room that's what up

"We gotta figure out a way to make sure they don't kill us or ruin our dimension." I explained.

The two of them looked like they were thinking. I joined them in thinking. After about a minute, Mariana looked like she thought of something.

"What if we made a deal?" She asked.

"Are you really asking to make a deal with the devil?" Zaria asked.

"Do you have a better idea?" She asked.

Zaria opened her mouth to say something, but closed it tight away.

"That's what I thought." Mariana said sticking her tounge out.

"That could work." I said.

"Now we just need to word it out."

The three of us quickly placed together a deal to make. Once we were sure about it, we went back to where Muzan was standing.

"What do you want?" He asked with a venomous glare.

"We-We wanna make a deal." I said.

"Oh? And what would that be?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath in.

"Since all of you guys are in a different dimension, we will allow you to stay with us but there has to be a few rules here." I started to explain.

Muzan looked like he was thinking about the offer.

"Go on." He ordered.

"First rule would be that you don't kill me or Mariana or Zaria or any humans here. You guys gotta eat human food weather you like it or not. Second is you can't let people know who you really are so don't use/show your abilities to anyone but us. And third, if you follow our rules we'll try to help you get back to your world." I explained.

Muzan put his finger on his chin and looked like he was thinking long and hard about this.

"Is it a deal?" I asked sticking out my hand.

He looked at it for a minute and sighed.

"Deal." He said as took out his hand.

We shook hands and the deal was sealed.

Muzan looked over to the demons who were still bowed down.

"Change of plans. You are to listen to me still and follow the rules you've just heard. If you fail I'll kill you." He glared at the demons.

"Yes, Master." They all said in union.

"Creepy." Said Zaria.

"Right?" I replied.

The demons on the floor got up and just stood there.

"Uhhh...make yourself at home." I told them.

They all started to walk away, exploring the different places in the house. Akaza was trying to look around but Doma kept leaning over his shoulder which made Akaza punch his arm off.

The people who just sat on the couch were Nakime and Rui, while the rest of the demons explored upstairs and all around.

This isn't what I had in mind for my future but it's low-key not bad.

"You guys can sleep in Zarias room."



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