Not Cool gUys 🙄

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A little short chapter :D

Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)


Zaria's POV (oh my gosh someone elses's POV 😯)

I woke up and I knew right away that I wasn't laying on my pillow. I lifted my head up only to be me with Akaza's eyelids. Thankfully they were closed. 

He was sitting criss-cross with his arms crossed and eyes closed. (thats a lot of cross.)

I yelped and fell onto my back. This must've startled Akaza since when I yelped, he jumped a little and opened his eyes.

I sat up with a hand on my heart nervously laughing. Akaza looked over to me with a confused face.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"I THOUGHT I WAS LAYING ON MY PILLOW!" I yelled in embarassment.

"You weren't." He replied blankly.


"You look peaceful and I didn't want to wake you up."


He just shrugged at me.

I hid my hands in embarrassment.

"Aww! Is little Zari getting embarrassed?~" teased Mariana in a baby voice.

"Shut up!" I yelled at her while I middle fingered her.

"Well, that was an interesting show." Enmu giggled.

Mariana's POV

"It was an interesting show." I replied.

Just the I got an evil idea in my head. I gave an evil smirk to myself.

"But do you know what would be more interesting.~" I said trying to get their interest.

I saw Zaria and Enmu's heads peak up.

"I'm listening." said Zaria.

"Wanna pull a prank?~" I asked them.

Zaria looked like she was thinking and Enmu looked interested in whatever the hell we were gonna do.

"Prank who?" she asked.

"Y/n." I replied.

"How?" Zaria asked now curious.

"It depends if Enmu wants to help or not." I told her.

We both looked at Enmu, who looked like he was thinking. After a few minutes, he turned to us and nodded his head.

"YESS!" me and Zaria cheered.

"What do you have in mind?" Enmu asked while leaning in closer.

"If I can recall, you can take your hand off, right?" I asked.

"Mh hmm..."

"WELL, what if we scared the shit outta Y/n by taking Enmu's hand and placing it either beside her or on her and then wake her up." I suggested.

"OH MY GOD YES!" Zaria yelled.

"Alright." Enmu agreed.

I threw my hands in the air to celebrate.

"FUCK YEAH!" I yelled.

Everyone giggled.

"Language." I heard someone say.

I looked over to the source and it was Micheal Jac- MUZAN.

"Whoops sorry." I said quickly.

I felt something tap me and I turned around. I screeched and fell onto my back since right when I turned around I WAS FACE TO FACE WITH ENMU'S FRICKEN HAnd FACE THINGY.

I heard giggles and saw Zaria laughing with Enmu.

"You suck." I said.

"You swallow" Zaria replied with a half-assed smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get this over with." I told them.

I walked over to Y/n and sat down beside her. Enmu and Zaria followed me. I held out my hand to grab Enmu's unattached hand and he let me. Well, more like it crawled onto my hand. I shuddered a bit and heard Zaria and Enmu giggle. I rolled my eyes and placed the hand on top of Y/N's face. 

She didn't even budge.

"Step 2." I joked.

"What's step 2?" Zaria asked.

"Wake her up." I whispered while shaking her a bit.

I looked over and saw Zaria take out her phone to record the shit show.

Oh this is gonna be worth it.

Y/n's POV

I was still in my 'eternal' slumber dreaming about committing arson on my most hated enemies house while I stood and watched it burn as I laughed. Yeah it was great. 

Then outta know where I felt myself waking up. Oh well. 

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to wake myself up. Once I regained consciousness, I felt something on top of my head but I didn't think too much of it. Well, that was until I opened my eyes fully and came face to face with a giant ass eye and mouth on a hand. 

Yeah you know how this went.

I screamed and flew across a few spots. I even knocked poor Rui off of me and that startedled him and caused him to wake up in confusion. RIP.

I sat up with my hand over my heart breathing heavily. 

"What the FUCK." I yelled.

I heard laughter and looked over to find Enmu, Mariana and Zaria rolling on the fucking floor laughing their ass off. Zaria had her phone in her hand recording everything. I gave them a dirty look and middle fingered them.

"Not cool you Numb nuts." I scoffed at them.

They all died of laughter again.



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