Halloween Shopping at like 11pm with the gang 👻💅

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(I am sososososooso sorry this is late!)

Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)


Y/n's POV

The rest of the day went pretty smooth to be honest. First, we had Zarias giant breakfast which was SO GOOD!

Zaria made all kind of different things and since she is also creative when it comes to cooking or baking, It was awesome.

She made 3 types of pancakes which were:

- Banana Blueberry

- Normal with sprinkles in them

- And classic Chocolate chip

She also made some fluffy waffles and they were like the best thing ever 😋.

She also made some hashbrowns, eggs and bacon and it was delicious.

Everyone enjoyed the breakfast and thanked her for making it.

The rest of the day was pretty chill. We kinda just sat around and watched TV while annoying the shit outta eachother. 

*cOuGh cOuGh DoMA bEInG a biTCh tO aKazA cOugH coUGh*

Now it was like 9:45 at night and we were thinking of something to do.

I looked over to the calendar and saw that it was Halloween tomorrow and none of us had Halloween costumes.

Before I could even say anything, Daki came bursting into the room and almost ripped the door from its hinges. R.i.p door.

"Y/nnnn! I'm so boreedddd! I haven't gone shopping in so long!" She whinned.

Mostly everyone ignored Daki but some agreed with her that we needed to do something.

"Why don't we go Halloween shopping?" I suggested

"Now?" Asked Mariana.

"Why not? It closes at like 1 in the morning." I replied.

"Do we get to pick out costumes??" Daki asked.

"Yes." I replied.


I look over to the others around the living room.

"Do you wanna come Halloween shopping too?" I asked them.

"Why?" Muzan asked.

"Were bored." I replied.

"Isn't it a waste of money?" He asked again.


After bickering a bit, he finally agreed to come and so did the others.

"Wait how are we going to get there?" Akaza asked.

"We can walk. It's dark out and it's a 10 minute walk." I replied.

"Are you sure...we should go...out dressed like this?" Kokushibo asked.

"Uhh...if anyone asks just say your cosplayers I guess." I replied

He looked at me confused.

"Its someone who dresses up as a fictional character." Zaria explained.

He hummed in acknowledgement.

"I can't wait to see all the different costumes in this store!" Exclaimed Doma.

Akaza who was standing next to him rolled his eyes and walked over to me.

"Well, lead the way." He said while extending his arm to the door.

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