Tis the season 🎄❄️🎁

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Slanted font = thoughts

Enjoy =)


Y/n"s POV

It's been a month and a couple of weeks since Halloween, and nothing too out of the ordinary happened. Now, we are getting into the Christmas season and we still haven't done anything yet since we are a bunch of lazy people.

Right now, Me, Zaria, Mariana, Akaza, Daki and Rui were watching a Christmas movie on the television, Nakime, Muzan and Kokushibou were just chatting quietly like the quiet people they are, while Douma and Enmu were arguing about "waffles being pancakes with abs."

"For the last time waffles are not pancakes with abs! It's just the way that their made!" Enmu argued.

"Yeah but they're both made from the same ingredients basically and waffles have like a fit body structure for a pancake!" Douma argued back.

"Can you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to watch a movie." Akaza grumbled.

"Not until this Idiot admits that waffles are not buff pancakes!" Enmu yelled.

"But they are!" Douma argued back.

"How stupid are you?" Muzan asked, now entering the conversation.

"I'm just saying that waffles are pancakes with abs!" Douma defended.

Yeah, this turned into a whole ass argument about how stupid it was, why pancakes and waffles are different, how they are the same, etc.

I turned over to Daki with a wide eye look on my face.

"How do you live with that?" I jokingly asked.

"Why do you think I live at the Red Light District now?" She joked back.

My eyes widened more and I made an O shape with my mouth. Daki saw and laughed at my reaction while Mariana and Zaria were looking at her with wide eyes and trying not to laugh.

The argument got louder and you could tell if we didn't break this up soon it would get physical, and I really didn't want to clean up blood today. Not on my schedule.

I looked over towards my other fellow humans.

"We need to think of something fast to distract them from their stupid argument." I told them

They nodded in agreement.

"What about Christmas decorating?" Zaria suggested.

"Zaria you beautiful human being that is a awesome idea!" I replied.

I look behind the couch where the argument was taking placed and yelled at them.

"OI!" I screamed at them.

They all shut up and turned their heads towards me.

"Do you guys wanna do some Christmas decorating?" I asked calmly.

"Like what?" Muzan asked.

"Putting up a tree, placing decorations, like Halloween but more festive." I tried to explain.

"Ooo that sounds like fun!" Douma exclaimed.

"You guys in?" I asked.


I smiled and got off the couch to go get the decorations from the closet. I got to the closet and opened the door only to find the Christmas decorations on the very top shelve.

"DAMMIT! Why am cursed with my height??" I muttered under my breath.

"Do you...need some...assistants?" I heard a voice.

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