A/N help guys

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So guys, I have some things I need help with.

1. Do you guys want this to be an x reader where one or more love the reader or all love the reader or just have a friendship with all? Let me know

2. If you guys want and x reader let me know who you want it with or if you want specific people be friends more than another
Ex: y/n is better friends with Akaza than Zaria or something.

3. I have a few ideas for the next chapters but I might cut some of them out so you guys can choose which ones you want to see. Just type which ones you want in the comments.

 Just type which ones you want in the comments

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That should be all for now.

If something seems confusing since I rushed just ask in the comments and I'll explain better. Hopefully.

If you have a request Iet me know and I'll try to fit it into the story.

Also if you have any other question ask away!

That should be all and the next chapter is half way done.

Peace my guys ✌💮

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