Chapter 3

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~Torture Room N2~

In a dark 4 wall room with only 2 illuminating lights, a man sat unconscious in the middle of the room hands tied at the armrest, ankles tied together. Two men were standing at the front of the man waiting for someone to come.

As the door opens an RM smirking wickedly enters. Right when the said Mafia Boss steps foot inside the darkroom the 2 men straightened up and said their greetings.

"Hey Boss," both said at the same time

"Hey Suga and V can you wake the bastard up?" smirking RM says.

V took a pail of cold water at the side and splash it at the mans' face.

As a result, the man grunts because of the cold and opens his eyes only for him to close it again not being adjusted to the darkness.

"Suga can you completely wake this f*cker up," Joon said starting to get irritated. Suga nods, he went just in front of the man and slaps his face continuously until he opens his eyes.

The man opened his eyes and immediately sweat seeing the man in front of him but still acted tough. " What do you want from me RM?!" he said through gritted teeth.

"tsk tsk tsk Shouldn't you know that by now Taemin-ssi?" mused Namjoon."I already told you I don't know where is the money!"

"Really now? Then can you please explain why did my men caught one of yours trying to hack our server for our bank statements and when we checked there were some problems with the numbers and you know who received the exact same number we lost when we checked the bank?" RM asked calmly but you could easily see him getting angrier by the minute "non-other than your name Lee Taemin-ssi"

Right now Lee Taemin was getting scared of what will the most feared Mafia Boss in Korea do to him. Not having an escape "I-I'm so so-sorry don't worry I'll let my me-men give you b-back the money" he stuttered.

RM clicked his tongue before walking forward getting near Taemin, " I have another suggestion if you just give me one thing that you have I'll set you free, will you give it?" Taemin immediately nodded thanking every God for giving him a chance to live

"Yes anything"

"I want the ruby necklace your wife supposedly left for your son"

Confused and scared are the emotions the man tied on the chair in the room felt, even the other 2 members of the Mafia family were confused upon hearing RM. Taemin is scared because nobody knows other than his family about the necklace and confused because why would a great Mafia Boss want a simple Ruby necklace nobody even knows about.

Suga and V shared confused looks at each other not knowing why their boss wants a necklace when he can have any necklace he wants with the big amount of money he has. But kept their mouth shut not wanting to anger their Boss.

"W-what? What necklace? Why that necklace? How do you even know that necklace? Wait! That sorry excuse of a son told you didn't he? That sh*t I should've killed hi-" he was cut off by a punch on his face making him cough blood.

"Shut the f*ck up you pathetic excuse of a father! Do you think you deserve to be called human with how you treat a son like that!? Say one more thing about your son like that and I'll rip your tongue alive and feed it to your men! Do you f*cking hear me?!" RM shouted jaw clenched, the whole room went silent after that.

Suga and V were surprised as to how RM snapped it wasn't normal for said Mafia Boss to snap when he's in the torture room especially talking about someone. He was usually calm and let others handle when something goes wrong.

"B-but I have more expensive jewelry you could have, much more expensive than the ruby. Some were even personally made for me, some were even fro-"

"Did I say anything about expensive jewelry?" an impatient RM interrupts

"n-no" stuttering the man answered.

"Then give me what I specifically asked for" the man gulped knowing he has no choice "it-it's in the safe in the greenhouse"

The Don got his phone from his pocket and dialed a number still staring at Taemin, who is squirming being uncomfortable with how he's being stared at.

"Hello, Chim? Yes are you there? Okay go to the Green House and hack the safe, see if a green ruby necklace is inside. Yes call immediately if you find it".

After only 15 minutes a call broke the eerie silence of the darkroom. "Hello? Okay thanks"

He then steps back a little still staring at the tied man. "I must say I'm very pleased with your honesty Taemin-ssi" he starts.

A breath of relief and a smile came out of Taemin knowing he'll be set free only to be washed with horror when Namjoon added "But you see Lee Taemin that necklace was never yours in the first place so logically you didn't give me anything so with that said... Any last words?" Chuckling lowly after he saw Taemin's eyes go wide and paled face

"Wha-what do you mean? You told me you'd let me go! I own that necklace" but RM only shook his head and countered

"First of all I changed my mind I want you dead I don't want to know I'm breathing the same air as you Second we both know you don't own that necklace" he then turned to Suga " Skin him alive and burn his body you can do more if you want just make sure he's gone" making Suga smile widely knowing he's going to have some fun. With that, the Mafia Boss turned to the door to leave ignoring the cries and pleas of Taemin.


Potato is sorry, I love SHINee and I can't miss the chance to mention their names as part of my book I'm sorry that they're the bad guy/s here... potato is still sorry ㅠ.

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