Chapter 13

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"....after that first meeting, Joonie called as promised and we became friends and ended dating" Jin finished smiling shyly.


"That's...that's cute"

"But how did Joon-Hyung deal with the client though?" a curious Tae asked.

"Oh that, I don't think you'll remember but I told you guys that I saw one of my enemies and we tortured him for 3 days" Namjoon shrugged.

"Ah! I remember that! You came from a bar to loosen up and came home all smiley and shit" JK exclaimed, immediately scolded by Jin for the vague language making the table laugh.

"Jin-Hyung," Yoongi started and continued when Jin 'hmmed' facing him, "What was your codename?"

"Uhmm... it's Scarlet Diamond" Jin answered slightly nervous for their reaction.

Upon hearing the name everyone went silent and still. Not because of confusion but of bewilderment.

SCARLET DIAMOND, the top assassin in Korea. Famous for clean and precise shoots. Known for being good in armed and unarmed combat. Well respected by all Mafias and Dark Business Men. The most-hired assassin in all Asia.

Everyone knows the name and the logo of a diamond with a butterfly. Even with being well-known and famous, nobody knows his real name and appearance. With the name and shadows of the assassin, all of them assumed him to be a girl.

Jin was the epitome of perfection both in this field and figure.

He managed everything alone. Hacking, Training, Skill-enhancement, Chemical making, and Job organization. Being top of the game, fellow assassins and mafias tried to eliminate him but always failed. His security and identity were well-kept.

With a perfect figure. People think he's a girl with how his body was structured. A small fit waist good for dodging. Tall legs good for running and attacking. Hands too fast enemies can't keep up most of the time. A perfect innocent-looking face.

But with him excelling in both field and figure wise. The assassin was known for his payments. Unlike other assassins who accept money, Jin likes control. He lets his clients sign a contract saying any disloyal actions towards him may affect their careers. With him being good at hacking he's capable of discovering hidden things that are important. He uses this as payment and whenever he needs something he can just easily contact them.

And to think that the famous assassin is in front of the family and is friends with their boss is still hard to process.

"You're THE SCARLET DIAMOND? " Jungkook asked doe-eyes filled with amusing.

"THE FAMOUS ASSASSIN?!" Taehyung lightly shouted due to the surprise revelation.

The assassins' husband chuckled, "Yes that's my gem"

"What the wHAT?!" a surprised Jimin said slowly walking to sit with them on the table.

"Why are you up Minnie? The doctor said you need to rest" Yoongi stated worriedly.

"Don't worry Yoonie I just want to hear Jin-Hyung and I'll rest" Jimin tried convincing Yoongi who reluctantly sighed and nodded.

"Why are you not surprised Yoongi-Hyung?"Jungkook asked seeing the only slightly surprised face of his Hyung.

"Ah, I kinda guessed when Hyung used psychological torture" Yoongi answered gently shrugging.

"Yes! I see you know my specialty" Jin said shooting his finger gun cutely at Yoongi making him chuckle

"But Hyung I was always curious why codename SCARLET DIAMOND ?" a curious Tae asked finally absorbing everything and finally calm.

"It started with my mother's love for diamonds," Jin said chuckling a little "my Mom loved diamonds not because of how shiny it is but about how much it went through to become beautiful. Diamonds were not that attractive at first. They're made of rocks and stones that most people don't pay attention to. Diamonds are just rough stones handling pressure properly. When my mom passed, I had a goal. A goal to be like a diamond. With everything I went through I want to survive and make a name for myself. Before, when I needed help nobody listened but now I have a list of people ready to do anything for me. It's quite sad that before I couldn't get help for me and my mom but I'm living this life to the fullest for the sake of her as well. "

"And Scarlet is the color of power. The perfect color for a powerful assassin" Joon said.

"How about the butterfly in your symbol?" asked Jungkook.

"The Butterfly means freedom for me. Finally, being able to free myself from my father. I escaped with Joonie from my father after we dated for a while. And after I was out of the household of my father I feel so free. I can have choices on my own. I can love endlessly. And explore without the fear of my guards outing me on my father. Just simple freedom. That's what the butterfly means, like a butterfly I can finally fly as far as I can and be adventurous." Jin finished with a smile.

"That's beautiful Hyung." Hobi said in awe.

"I'm so proud of you Hyung, for what you've been through." Yoongi said.

Seeing their hyung be so positive and still striving even when he went through the worst just makes them look at him in full awe.

After that event, the other members were more proud to call Jin their Hyung. Jin became another role model figure for them.


potato just want to say I also love the procedure of how diamonds are made. and I also love the meaning of butterflies ^^ 

stay healthy everyone <33//

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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