Chapter 10

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They called the others to gather at their usual meeting table. Jimin was finally out of the hospital but on bed rest at the residence.

Everyone, excluding Jimin, was silent not knowing how to approach the topic. Jin cleared his throat and started "I just want to say I'm sorry for walking out like that and not explaining anything to you guys". "It's fine Jin-Hyung, I'm sure you had your reasons" Hobi gave an understanding smile at Jin. The others voiced out saying they understand as well.

"First of all I think some of you must have figured it out but I'm Lee Taemin's son, Lee SeokJin" he stated. 

"I'm assuming that the Kim is from Joon Hyung?" JK asked. 

"No, actually the Kim was from my mother" Jin gave a sad smile thinking about his mother "My so-called father was always a nightmare to me since young. He hadn't ever looked at me without having eyes of anger and hatred. At first, I just thought maybe he had a bad day and just wasn't feeling good. But then he started cursing at me for being useless and a waste of oxygen. Hearing those words I was heartbroken. I started training with the guards hoping my father will look at me proudly and accept me as a child. But imagine a 9-year-old training, you wouldn't expect a perfect performance but I was a fast learner and I was getting good. I showed my moves and skills to my father but instead of praises, he slapped me. That was the first time he got physical with me and I just stood there shocked and confused. He then shouted about me wasting the time of his men with my 'shenanigans' even threatening to make me his personal punching bag". As he finished he was about to slap me again but my mother, being her loving self, stopped him. Which only made him angrier for some reason." By now everyone listening to Jin was seeing red thinking about the absurd past of their Hyung. The latter of course sensed their eyes but continued.

"After that incident, he would hit me. At first, it was not that much but then my mother caught him about to punch me she ran to us and stood in front of me acting as a shield "You better stop this Taemin-ah or I'll have no choice but to leave and divorce you" she threatened. We both knew that the threat was meaningless if Father will lock her up. But luckily when my father heard the word 'leave' coming from my mother he started apologizing to stop hitting me. I was relieved back then thinking that at last, he'll stop. But then it only got worse. He'll abuse me behind closed doors and threaten me if ever I'll tell my mother." Jin paused and took a deep breath getting emotional from recalling his past. Namjoon squeezed his lovers' hand silently comforting him making Jin glance at him and smile.

"As years go by I got used to the beating." Jin continued "With those passing years I also trained hard, this time not to impress my Father but for myself. I started getting better and better. One time I saw some associate of my father complaining about looking for a hitman. Growing up I understand the terms and names in the Mafia world. I approached them hoping maybe they'll give me a job and have something to do other than being trapped in the house and only going out to be able to go to school. They were confused and surprised to hear my suggestion but they eventually agreed when I showed them my moves and shoots. Of course, I told them to keep it from my father not wanting to let him stop me from training as a punishment. I got the job done and I was excellent at it. The associates were pleased with my performance and shared my service with other people in the Mafia. I started getting more popular with being an assassin. As I started getting famous in the Assassin business I hid my identity and everything. Because of a job I got to meet Joonie" Jin then finally smiled thinking about how he met the love of his life.

"You were planning to kill Namjoon-Hyung?" a wide-eyed Taehyung asked.

"He was," Namjoon chuckled "I just got attracted to him. I started flirting with him and was surprised when he flirted back."

Jin then stated, "I was just planning to poison him with his drink but got somewhat entranced by him."


Are Jinnies' lines too long? m'sorry :((  potato don't know what to do

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