chapter 34: i met you again

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Nicoles  p.o.v
Well me and pj made a agreement jc and kian stay with austin and I stay with her. But right now were at the ice cream parler.
"So you like it here in la?" Austin asked me
"Yea its beautiful here better than the cold air in my state" I say smiling
"Whats your state?" He asks me
"Connecticut and yours is?" I ask
"Flordia...I didnt think you lived in such cold weather" he said laughing
"I didnt think you lived in such hot weather" I said mocking him
"Ok ok you can stop haha" he says looking down embarressed
"Its fine im just messing with you" I say giggileing
"Ok you can stop flirting now" pj says obiously getting anoyyed
"Hmm sorry" I say blushing
"Its fine" she says looking at jc and kian.
"Ok? Kian can you come here for a moment?" I asked him as he got up
"Ok im coming" he says walking up to me. He gives me a quick kiss then stares at me.
"Can you get me some cookie dough ice cream?" I ask with the puppy dog look
"Anything for you baby" he says smiling as he went to go get the ice cream.
"Thx!" I yell
"So you two are going to get married any time soon?" Pj asks me
"I dont know...ive never thought about the future with kian" I admit
"Oh...well thats somthing" she says looking at the wall
"Yep here he comes" I say as kian sits down
"Here you go..what were you girls talking bout?" He asks me
"Um...nothing" I say looking at my ice cream.

I grab my skateboard and start riding. As I look around I didn't notice a boy on a skateboard coming at me.
"Ouch!" I scream
"um...can you watch where your going?" The boy that ran into me said. I look up at him he had blond hair with a little blue and he was tall.
"Oh um... I'm sorry I'm just new and.." He cuts me off
"wait your the new girl?" He smiles
"um..yea why?"I look at him confused
"I heard a few kids talk about you" he helped me up
"oh ok" I look at the boy
"I'm kian by the way" he looked at the ground
"hey kian I'm Nicole nice to meet you" I smile as he looks back up "nice to meet you to" as he just stares at me
*end of flashback*
"Nicole!! Nicole are you ok?!?" I heard someone yell
" fine what happened?"I asked
"You fainted!" The voice yelled again
"Kian? Is that you?" I ask
"Yes babe im here just let me help you up" he says grabbing my back and holding me bridal style
"You scared us!" Jc says looking down
"Sorry I had a vision of how me and kian first met and I dont regret it one bit" I say smiling at kian
"Nither do I nicole nither do I" he says looking at me then to the ground.
"I love you kian" I say looking him in the eyes
"I love you too nicole" he says as he kisses me. Well I feel safe with kian I just never felt so safe in my life like I do when im with him.

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