chapter 10: i love you

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Its been a day and I'm still in shock I don't know what to think anymore. I hear a knock on the door
"Nicole someone's at the door!" My mom screams from downstairs
"I'll get it!" I yell back as I walk downstairs and open the door. I stand in one spot in shock of who I was looking at
"hey Nicole about yesterday..." I cut him off
"kian I don't want to hear it!" I shut the door in his face and run upstairs.
"Nicole please listen to me!" Kian screams then he walks in my house and walks upstairs to my room
"Nicole please" he stands there and I can hear in his voice he's about to cry.
"Kian please go away"  I say quietly so he don't hear me crying
"fine I'll just say it but you don't have to listen" he stops talking to hear a reply
"ok imma tell you anyway it was Andrea I told her to get off me but she didn't I told her about you and she didn't care, Nicole I would do anything for you, you are my best friend and I hope one day we can be more but I really do only love you" kian starts to cry. I open the door as fast as I can and run to kian I jump in his arms and kiss him.
"I love you too kian" I smile and look at kian
"so I see your not mad at me anymore" kian has a big smile on his face
"I can never stay mad at someone I love" I kiss him again.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Kian asks
"sure" I grab the fault in our stars and put it in. Kian sits on the couch and I lay my head on his shoulder while we watch the movie. My mom walks in the room
"Nicole what are you doing wit kian?" She stares at me
"I'm watching a movie" I give her a serious look
"ok I have to go to the store" she looks at kian
"ok I'll stay here" She walk out of the house.
"kian promise me you will never leave me" I look him in his eyes "Nicole I promise I love you to much to leave" he smiles
"I love you more" I smile
"Nicole will you be my girlfriend?" Kian looks at me "I've been your girlfriend since the other day" I laugh and kiss him. I fall asleep on kians shoulder in the middle of the movie.

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