11. Nervous

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Location: (y/n)'s apartmentTime: 9:00pm Saturday Day of the Galla

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Location: (y/n)'s apartment
Time: 9:00pm Saturday
Day of the Galla

(Y/n) pulled down her dress as she stared in the mirror, judging the 5th outfit she had tried on that night.

Hawks was scheduled to be here any minute and she still hadn't finished getting ready.

(Im going to describe it as this dress because I think it's cute

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(Im going to describe it as this dress because I think it's cute. I understand it's not everyone's style so just imagine you're in whatever makes you comfortable <3)

She has had at least 3 inner conflicts with herself about if this dress was appropriate or not for a Galla. She would of asked hawks but he insisted there outfits stay private from each other for effect.

She walked over to her dresser and picked out a pair of earrings and put them on.

She walked into the bathroom to touch up her makeup. It matched her dress but wasn't over the top. She added a layer of mascara to her eyes before she heard a knock at her door.

She knew it must be hawks and messaged him.

Keigo <3

Hey I'm nearly ready you can come in if you'd like. :)

I can't, you got to come open the door


Cause I got this cute romantic plan. Cmon answer the door I want to see you!

Romantic plan. Right. He did say that this was a date. For the past three months whenever you and hawks went on a "date"
It was more of two single people enjoying each other's company alone, but hawks had specified that this was an actual date. Like a gooey Romantic notebook date.

You slipped on some shoes and then stood up and looked in the mirror once more. Sure the dress looked great on you
(Mostly because you made it) but you couldn't help question what people at he Galla would think of it. What he would think of it.

You and hawks weren't dating. Neither of you had asked each other out, but there were many couple like scenarios you too had been placed in.

At your office when you both complemented how great each other looked in their outfits but it was more than just friendly.

Or when you both fell asleep in the bathtub and woke up cuddling.

It was all quite confusing. I'm sure neither of you understood how you guys stood.

You stopped all the thoughts running through your head and stood up and walked towards the door remembering keigo (which was the name you tried to slip in as much a possible since the incident a few days ago) was right outside your door.

When you opened up your door, you were met with hawks standing in a fancy suit with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, jeez you look.. beautiful"
He said looking you up and down
"Did you make it?"
He questioned as you nodded

"Here I wanted to go all out so I got you these"
He handed you the bundle of flowers.

"Kei there so cute. Thankyou"
You walked to your bathroom and placed them in a vase of water so they'd stay fresh.

Then you picked up your purse from the counter and walked to hawks, closing the door behind you both.

"And you look beautiful too"
You chuckled.

He posed and showed off his suit which made you both laugh.
"Well Thankyou, it was tailored by the best designer I know"
And he finished with a corny wink.

"I'm sure they're not as good as you say they are."
You both hopped in the elevator and talked until it reached the ground floor.

"So how come this is such a "romantic occasion" kei?"

"Well, I wanted out first 'date date' to be special, and what's more special then an exclusive hero gathering?"

"Well what makes this 'date date' different to our other dates"
You asked as you both walked towards the

"This ones actually a real time date angel. I mean I got you flowers and everything"

"That's true. And what happens if this
'date date' goes well?"

"Then we go on more 'date dates' until we have the final 'date date' with you in a wedding dress and me in another sexy suit"

"I- Uh alright well we'll see how this one goes first before we plan a wedding."
You chuckled.

It was cute, how serious he was about this

He held open the door of the car for you
Like a gentleman before hoping in after you. He told the driver where the Galla was and then you two set off.

You talked in the car like normal, keigo did most of the talking which helped considering you were too nervous to talk too much.

He informed you that A lot of hero's and there plus 1's where gonna be there tonight and that made you anxious. One of the reasons you're a 'faceless' designer is because having your identity known means publicity which is not great.

Being in groups over 10 with unknown people makes you nervous and a group with multiple hundreds of people crammed in a hall is definitely worse.

The car pulled out in front of a large building with a red carpet leading up to the front entrance which had two guards on either side.

You couldn't help your leg bouncing up and down as you looked out the window.
You were snapped out of it when you felt hawks' hand on the top of your thigh.

"You ready angel?"
He asked.

"Yea Uh just a bit nervous is all"
You replied

"There's nothing to be nervous about, you look gorgeous and everyone's going to love you."
He leaned over and placed a small kiss to your cheek.
"Come on, it'll be fun"

He hopped out of his side of the car before walking around and opening your door and extending his hand to you which you took.
988 words <3
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