29. Sleepy

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"Hey baby

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"Hey baby. How was work?"
Keigo asked you as you walked into the door before dropping your bag on the floor and making your way over to keigo on the couch.

You immediately laid down so your head was now on his thighs. You let out a groan in response.

"Not good?"
He answered his own question. His hand immediately found its way into your hair as his other ran over the side of your thigh for comfort.

You nodded in agreement.

"You wanna talk about it?"
He asked.

You nodded again before starting.
"Some lady came into the office today and asked for the designer. She didn't believe it was me when I told her because I looked
"Too uncreative to design clothes" so I had to argue with her for half an hour until she believed me, then I went to get lunch on my break at that cute little cafe around the corner but this creepy guy kept hitting on me, so now I have to find a new place to get lunch. It was just a very stressful day is all"
You said.

"I think you're very creative baby, that lady had no idea what she was talking about. And that guy sounds horrible, what did you say to him?"

"At first I tried to politely turn him down but he kept insisting on having lunch with me. When I finally told him to get a life and leave me alone, he called me a slut, which is extremely contradicting really."
You say

He couldn't help but chuckle.
"It is very contradictory. Sounds like a desperate meathead who never gets any."
He said as his hand continued to flow through your hair.

"Mhm, I just want to sleep, I'm so tired."
You said with a yawn.

"Sounds great, cmon."
He said as he stood and held out his hand to you before you both walked into the bedroom.

Keigo laid down first as you rested your head on his chest. After moments you were fast asleep. Keigo said goodnight before going to bed also.

When you next woke, it was 2am. Considering you went to sleep earlier than usually, your body probably wasn't going to let you sleep in till late morning.

Your head was still rested on keigos chest before you pushed yourself up so you were now mile-metres away From his face. Keigo was still asleep and the dim light admitting from the bathroom that lit up his face perfectly.

Your hand moved to you'd forehead as you pushed a strand of loose hair of his face. You traced your finger lightly over some of keigos faded scars from battle that littered his face.

You paused attention to the light stubble that remained on his chin as well as his fluffy eyebrows. Everything.

Your hand moved back to his cheek and rested there as your thumb skated over the soft skin.

This most of awoken keigo as his honey coloured eyes slowly fluttered open.

Once his eyes were fully open you began pulling back your hand. Keigo placed his hand on top of yours and brought it to his lips before laying it back on his cheek.
"Is everything alright baby?"
He asked.

"Mhm everything's fine, I'm sorry for waking you"

"Don't worry I don't mind, what were you doing?"
He asked motioning to when he awoke to you staring lovingly at him.

"I don't know, just admiring I guess"

He smiled lightly.
"Ah I see, can't get enough of me"
He joked.

"Nope never seem to"
You replied with a chuckled before leaning forward and placing a light kiss to his lips before you began pulling away.

But keigo placed his hand in the back of your neck and pulled you back in to have a longer kiss. Without unlocking lips or removing his hand, he shuffled his weight and pushed himself up with his elbow so you were not leaning down so much.

Once you finally pulled away you spoke.
"Kei, it's late, you can go back to sleep it's okay"

"Nope, you woke me up and now You got to keep me entertained"
He said with a smirk before pulling you back down to his lips.

His hand moved from your neck to your cheek and the other to you back and curled around to your torso rubbing the soft skin.

Your hands flew to keigos hair as his soft lips pressed against yours. You couldn't help but smile.

He pulled away.
"Why you smiling?"
He asked.

"You heart, it's beating really fast"
Considering your chests were flushed together it was noticeable.

"Yeah, you do that to me"
He said with a smirk before completely sitting up so you were once again on his lap.
795 words
Once again, I'm so grateful for 10k reads
Will probably update again later :)
Ily <3

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