25. Bubble bath

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As we hopped inside the taxi, I explained to keigo who Itsuki was and all he did to me while we were together

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As we hopped inside the taxi, I explained to keigo who Itsuki was and all he did to me while we were together.

How we met in high school and back then he was really sweet. But after a year of dating he became manipulative and abusive.

Keigo sat quietly and listened to me as I ranted all the way home. As we walked inside keigo explained how he would never hurt me like Itsuki did.

I hopped in the shower while keigo changed into his sleep clothes. Once I got out I did the same before slipping into the bed with him.

He placed his hand on my cheek as he leaned down and connected our lips. I grabbed his hand and kissed a long his slightly bruised knuckles from punching Itsuki.

I laid my head on his chest once again before falling asleep.

Time skip 1 month.

Rain poured down heavily against my office window. The clouds were charcoal grey and covered the sky. The entire day had been cold, wet and unenjoyable.

I've been at at this desk sketching out designs since 3:00 this afternoon and I was starting to get tired.

I called a taxi as I packed up my work books and then began heading down stairs.

I said goodbye to the admin lady before walking out the door. I stayed stood under the shelter to avoid getting drenched in rain until the taxi pulled up.

I stepped over a puddle before hopping inside.

I informed the taxi driver of my destination, which was keigos apartment, before we headed off.

The taxi drove last many people with umbrellas under shelters as well as empty foot paths.

Once we got to keigos place I paid the driver before hopping out as quickly as I could inside.

I shook the excess water off my jacket before walking inside. I greeted the people sitting at the front desk as one made a comment on how I was drenched.

I stepped into the elevator and rode it all the way to the top floor.

When i opened the door and went inside, I was met with the living room empty.

For the past couple of weeks, everything I come home keigo is back from work and greets me with a hug. But he wasn't here today.

I walked towards the bedroom as I could here some noise inside.

When I opened the door, I saw keigo was inside. He sat in the corner of the room with his wings around him and knees tucked under his chin.

He hadn't looked up to see me yet but I was certain he had heard me come in.

I walked closer to him before sitting down in front of him.

"Hey kei"
I said in a soft voice.

He didn't reply. Something was definitely wrong.

I placed my hand on his shoulder that peeked out of his wings.
"Did something happen at work kei?"
I questioned.

He finally sat his head up and rested it on his hands. His eyes were red and puffy and his lips were puffy. He nodded.

I used my hand to push away strands of his messy hair out of his view.
"Do you want to talk about it?"

He took a deep breath before speaking quietly.
"A villain attacked this kid today. I couldn't do anything because if I tried he threatened to hurt him. He was crying for me to help him and I- I couldn't help him"

"Do you know if he made it?"

"He was alive when he went to the hospital. The other heroes think he'll be fine. But I can't go check because I'm involved in the case"

"I'm sure I could go to the hospital and check him out. You want me to do that kei?"

"Yes yes that'd be great"
He said as he pushed down his legs and pulled me into his arms before closing his wings back around the both of us.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I spoke.
"I'm sorry that happened baby. I'm certain the kid will be fine."

He hugged me tighter.
"Yeah I'm sure he will be"

"Now, do you want me to run you a bath? It'll calm you down a bit?"

"That's be great angel, you're amazing"
He said as he pulled me into a kiss.

"Okay well I'll go do that now then"

I hopped out of his arms and went into the bathroom. I turned the water onto a comfortable temperature and while it was running, added oils and bubbles and well as lighting a few candles. 

Once the tub was filled I went to get kei. I led him by his hand into the bathroom as he admired it.
"This is perfect Angel, Thankyou"
He said with a kiss on my cheek. His eyes were less swollen and he was definitely more happy no then when I found him on the floor.

"It's not problem baby. You relax and I'll make dinner okay? I feel like an old fashion house wife"
I said with a chuckle as I left the bathroom.

Keigo stripped his clothes before slipping into the bathtub.

He was swallowed in scents and bubbles but was definitely relaxed.
877 words
Nearly 3k reads???
Ily all <3
Also shoutout to loversmitsuya
For being cool asf

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