18. Christmas pt.2

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You opened the door so touya could walk inside

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You opened the door so touya could walk inside.

You all took a seat on the couch as touya pulled out presents for the both of you.

His gift to keigo was a book titled
"100 ways to cook chicken"
Which made you and touya laugh. Not keigo as much.

As his gift to you was also a book labeled
"How to: dating a emotionally unavailable man child"

"Jeez touya how nice of you"
Keigo said unimpressed.

"Okay time for your gifts touya"
You said as you pulled a box out and handed it to him. 

Inside the box was a personalised voo doo doll made to look like endeavour.

"Holy crap"

"I know right. You get to like stab it and stuff"

"You're great angel"
Commented dabi with a sinister grin.

The rest of the day was spent like a classic Christmas.eating Good food, watching Corny Christmas movies and the wanted fugitive who happened to be your friend, setting his fathers voo doo doll on fire.

You now all sat in the living room as one of those classic corny Christmas movies played on the tv.

Touya was fast asleep on the floor lying on a pile of pillows while keigo laid his head in your lap with your fingers entangled in his soft hair.

You had learnt that touya was a heavy sleeper. He could sleep through practically anything. So as you played with keigos hair you both talked at a comfortable noise level.

"Did you have a good Christmas kei?"
You asked as you untangled the knots in his hair.

He hummed in response.
"The best angel. Thankyou so much"
He said in a sleepy voice as he placed a soft kiss to your thigh.

"Thankyou so much for my presents"
You said as you examined the ring on your finger once again.

Keigo lifted his hand to yours before placing a kiss to your palm.
"One day I'll get you an even better one."

"I don't think that's possible kei. I love this one."

"Well how am I meant to propose then baby"

You paused. I guess you didn't think about that.
"Well than I guess you can buy me another one."

"Do you want to go to bed now. You look pretty tired and my legs are going numb"
You asked we a chuckle.

With that he stood up and placed a kiss on your lips.

You stood up also and were met with tingles running along your legs from the lack of weight.

You walked over to touya who was still fast asleep on the floor and placed a blanket over top of him to keep him warm.

Sure he's a past murderer and mentally unstable but I'm sure he still gets cold.

When you walked in to the bedroom you saw keigo laying on the bed with his arms out wide for you.

You chuckled before removing a jumper that you used to keep yourself warm so you were now only in a pair of keigos boxers and a pyjama shirt.

You climbed into his arms and laid your head on his chest. You wrapped your arms around his torso as your hands skated over the muscles on his back barely missing his wings each time.

"I know this is corny but I don't know where I'd be if I didn't meet you"
Keigo said.

"I'm sure you'd still be a successful hero kei. I didn't make that much of an inpact."

"You did so angel. Sure I'd still be a hero, well that's if soemone found me on the side of the road. But since I met you so many things have changed. I have you to hang out with rather than just sitting alone in my apartment, I have reasons to fight extra hard while going against villains (y/n), I'm even eating healthier because of you. It's so weird. It's only been a few months."

You pushed your head off his chest.
"Well I'm glad then that I found you. Honestly though I'm pretty sure your unhealthy diet might of killed you before any villains could"

He let out a chuckle as he leant down to connect his lips with your own.
"I guess your right."

You kissed back and placed your palms on his chest to push yourself up, without disconnecting your lips with his.

Soon enough you were sat once again of keigos lap as he placed one hand on the small of your back to push you closer to him, to eliminate any space between you two while the other skimmed over your soft thigh.

This had happened so many times before. Heartfelt speeches and confessions were made and then sealed with passionate long kisses.

Keigos lips had become a familiar feeling to you. They were soft and always fitted perfectly with your own. Always turning into a smirk during intimate moments like this whenever you would show any signs of being flustered.

Whether that be when he would redirect his lips a certain spot on your neck which left your cheeks tinted red or when he would whisper complements to you in between kisses.

But there was always times when he would be the one left flustered.
For example when your fingers would move to the feathers on his back which led him to pull back for air or when he assumed you were finished but would pull him back in for more.

Keigo did often think that maybe he was moving to fast. You two had only been offical for a couple weeks, but after months of romantic tension between the two of you: longing stares, accidentally touching hands, quick glances at each other's lips, it was obvious that you both needed to show each other how much they wanted to do all this, before feelings were announced.

So as his hands moved to your hips and your hands were tangled in his hair yet again, he pulled away to say the words he had been holding back for months.

"I love you"
He said out of breath.

He closed his eyes as he panted, waiting for the "we're moving to fast" speech. Possibly you saying that the two you of needed to take a break. Sure he would most likely regret saying those words this quickly, but he had to let you know how he felt.

But after a few seconds of silence, the lecture never came. In replacement was your lips connecting back with his.

"I love you too kei"
1088 words
Jsnskebdkebek so cute omg
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Ily all <3

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