14. Morning kisses

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The  next morning you woke up to the sun shining through the curtains onto your face

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The next morning you woke up to the sun shining through the curtains onto your face. You pushed yourself up on your arms to see hawks still asleep on the bed next to you, even though he was in pyjamas now.

He must of woken up in the middle of the night and changed from his suit. You thought.

You slid out of the covers and managed to keep hawks asleep.

You stretched your arms up and yawned.

You then walked into your bathroom and splashed water on your face to wake yourself up.

Making sure he we still asleep, you walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

You placed two peices of bread in the toaster and once they were cooked you buttered both of them and left the spreads out for hawks to put on his.

It was already 11am and he was sure to wake up from his hangover nap soon. And if by the time he woke up it was cold, he could always re-heat it.

You picked up your toast and walked over to your seat at the head of the table and began reading a magazine.

You must of been too invested in a page to notice keigo had walked into the living room. He walked behind you and bent over placing a kiss to your cheek.

"Morning angel"

"Kei you're awake?"

He said as he took a bite of your toast.

"I made you some, it's on the counter"

"Thankyou so much"
He walked over to the bench and grabbed his plate.

So he kissed your cheek? That must mean he remembers last night then right?

He sat down on the seat next to you and silently ate his toast.

"So.. your head still hurt from your hangover?"
You asked.

"Not too much, I wasn't drunk enough to go blackout, just a small headache."
He smiled.

"Alright so you remember all of last night then right?"
You asked.

There's not point ignoring it. If he doesn't then he doesn't that's it. It wasn't meant to be.

He reached out and placed his hand on top of yours before bringing it to his lips.

"Of course I do. I don't think I could forget"

Hawks- lifesaver~ K.takami x readerWhere stories live. Discover now