Billy (yes the same billy) X Sonic

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Bolds = Events from us

Italics = a/ns

This was made by Rave all on her own

I edited her writing tho- (I edit all of the writing)

Sonic's Pov

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Sonic's Pov

One day in the city... Sonic was minding his own business helping the people in need, everyone thought of him as a hero, he was very famous for that . Everything was fine, it was a normal day and Sonic was on his break. He sat down on the bench eating his favorite food, a warm chili dog, until he looked next to him..

His eyes lit up as he saw the most (hate that I'm saying this - Rave) beautiful person, even more beautiful than Amy. "Oh umh, hello was there something on my face? " The mysterious person asked. "O-oh no, haha I just didn't notice you hehe.." 'Why am I so nervous??' "oh that's fine! I'm Billy and you are?" "What do you mean and you are? I'm Sonic, famous everywhere in the world!"

"Ohh, I'm deeply sorry it's not everyday you get to met a famous person!" They said as they giggle a bit.. Their laugh was so beautiful, it was the kind of laugh that made me want to laugh too, and I loved it.. "Right hehe" "But I should be off now I have a meeting to go to but it was nice meeting you Sonic!" Billy then gets off the bench and walks away.. He was very different from everyone else, he didn't get excited to see me or even ask for an autograph.. I loved it it made me crave him.

The next day 

Billy's POV

It was the next day...and I was in my office working , I had just got promoted into a manager, and I was very proud of myself. the clock rang telling everyone it's time to go home and I started to pack up as well, so I got my bags and left in a hurry not wasting anytime but , as I'm walking I walk into the same person from yesterday.. "Oh goodness, sorry I- oh! Sonic it's you" "H-hi Billy, how have you been?" " Well I've been fine haha, nothing really happens. " There was a piece of silence in the air until I broke it "want to go get something at the cafe? " "Sure!" 

As we walk to the cafe I feel something touch my hand.. It was Sonic I look over to him and see him hiding his face, did he hate me? Or was he shy, either way I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.. His hands were really soft and warm I just wanted to hold them all day...

Once we arrive the cafe, cashier starts placing our orders,"Welcome to planet coffee what would you like?" As we start to order I see Sonic getting a little worried. Was it because, he could get noticed easily?  "hey are you alright?" "O-oh yeah I'm totally fine uhm but, can we hurry I think people are you to start assuming" I nodded in response and ordered everything to go then we headed off.

We say down at the park trying to get along more.. We were there for a while just making the best of it, and I think he was to I felt so attached. It was like I was missing Sonic in my life,"oh my, it's getting late I should head off but first here" I wrote my number down on a piece if paper, and gave it to Sonic,"call me sometime alright" "Yeah I will later" As I got up and walked off hoping to go out with him again sometime..

4 months later 

3rd person POV

Sonic and Billy knew each other for so long.. Their feelings kept growing, and so did they. Billy is now the CEO of his own company, and Sonic is out saving more and more lives everyday day.. The world was at peace and everything was around back to normal. Sure egg man and the other guys tried to stop him but not as much as he use to so in Sonic's mind everything was perfect.

Sonic's POV

"It's time.. I think I should ask Billy out" I sigh as I call Billy and ask him to met me at the beach, he agrees and then I gave out a huge sigh,"welp...better start getting ready" ( I hate this - Rave) I walk to the beach with a smile on my face and flowers in my hands but. I couldn't get this thought out of my head.

'He hates you.., just don't even try, you guys are friends and friends only.' The horrible thoughts filled my head but, I didn't let it stop me I arrive at the beach and see Billy sitting in the sand.. (Kill me - Rave) he looked so majestic I loved it,"heyy Billy" "Oh hi sonic! You wanted to met me here" "U-um yell well I wanted to ask.. Will you be mine? " Silence filled the air and tears formed in my eyes what if he rejected me.. What if he did like the others.

Out if nowhere I feel something (dear Lord slash my throat -Rave ) soft touch my lips I kissed back lovingly opening my eyes to see Bill.. The love of my life " Well duh I'll be yours haha!" I was so happy I started to cry it felt like a dream but, it was real. I hug Billy burying my head into his chest, we sit there in silence fit a while until I fell asleep.. Feeling that warmth around me I just wanted it to last. ( stoppppp this is so wholesome :sob: -Nyx)

Billy's POV:

I notice that Sonic fell asleep as we we're hugging, I carry sonic to my house Making sure I don't hurt him.. Once I reach my house I set him down onto the couch and lay him on my chest, he was so precious and beautiful. I kiss his head and laid down beside him slowly falling asleep making sure not to wake him up.

The next day 

The next day I woke up not seeing sonic anywhere around me.. He left me a text tho saying that he went to get get breakfast.. He was such an amazing boyfriend I loved him.
I got up and stretched I started to walk over to the bedroom so I can change as I'm changing I hear the door open, Sonic must be home. I hurry and (fucking kill me - Rave) take off my shirt.. But then I hear the someone at the room door.

Rave takes a break from writing

I turned around to see Sonic right behind me blushing a bright red. We started at each other for a couple of seconds until, Sonic ran down the stairs dropping whatever he had in his hands.

Sonic's POV 

My heart was beating so fast just seeing his nice (fucking end me - Rave) toned chest.(KJNFDJKGHMK -Nyx)  I wanted him so badly,  I'd just want to stare at him all day.. I hear walking and I knew that he was coming so, I tried to act like nothing happened.. (there's something wrong with me -Rave) "H-hey dear, you finally done?" "O-oh yeah I'm done hehe, hey do you want to watch a movie? " I nod in agreement as we sit down and try to figure out a movie to watch

As we watch the movie I feel my heart beat faster and faster, my body got even more heated as it went on, giving small glances at each other.

 3rd person POV

Things were getting heated both of them letting out a small moan every now and then, Sonic licks the bottom of Billy's lip for access into his mouth when granted sonic explores each and every inch of Billy's mouth (I want to suffer I feel uncomfortable writing this -Rave) (No words- -Nyx) they stop for a brief moment having a string of saliva connect there lips Sonic tackles Billy to the couch and starts bitting his neck leaving marks, claiming what's his.


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