Wazowski x Voldemort

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SIGHHHH... Never in my days did I think I'd be using this again. This was a request from _rosalie_malfoy_ (probably one of the only few people reading these stories </3) BUT A REQUEST IS A REQUEST. I don't have my writing team but, I GOT YOU. Okay, let's start.


Wazowski was a monster, and he worked strictly for Monsters Inc. However, today was going to change everything for Wazowski. It Wazowski's turn on the night shift, he was putting up the doors making sure there were no cracks, chips, or dents in them. He walked into the dark hall of the many rows of doors, the pitter-patter of his feet echoed in the hall. He quietly hummed a tune while writing on his checkboard.

As the silent night went on, Wazowski heard a noise, the sound of walking but not from him. The steps making a click-clack sound across the building's halls. The emptiness of the place made all the little sounds so loud. The echo made it hard for Wazowski to hear exactly where the walking was coming from. He turned around, looking towards every hall he could see. Yet nothing out of the ordinary caught his one giant eye.

The sound suddenly stopped and the building felt empty once again. Wazowski sighed in relief turning back around to get back to work. Wazowski let out a loud gasp as he dropped his check board seeing a tall and odd-looking creature (had to look up their height difference Wazowski like 121cm/4 ft and Voldemort was 180cm/5'11 so this would be interesting). Wazowski has seen many monsters, but never one that looked like the being before him.

The thing in front of him looked like it should've had a nose, but there was only a blank space in that spot. It was a greenish pale, almost looking like a lizard mixed with a corn head. Even though it was a monster like Wazowski he was the only one supposed to be in the building.

"Who are--" Wazowski was quickly paused by a finger on his mouth. The thing now crouched down in front of him spoke, "silence, the fewer questions you ask the easier this will all be." He rose as he took a look around the building, "I'm here to seal a deal with you."

Wazowski raised his hands waving them breaking himself from the pause of confusion. "Woah there buddy, what are you even doing here? You broke in and now you're speaking to me as if we know each other. Who are you?" The being chuckled, his shark-like teeth showing off, "I am Lord Voldemort, and you are Wazowski, right?" Wazowski's eye widened, "how did you know my name...?"

Voldemort laughed, "I have been looking for you, someone like me. Someone without a nose such as myself, the perfect mate."

"I'm sorry, the perfect what?" Wazowski asked dumbfounded as he looked up at the tall figure.

"Mate, my beloved if you will. You and I will be wedded." Voldemort spoke in a matter-of-fact tone walking closer to Wazowski picking him up.

"We will be married, no questions asked, no objections at all." Voldemort sneered at his words. "I have a girlfriend, actually fiance since I'm engaged to her!" Wazowski panicked, defying the man.

"Forget about her, it's either me or the death of all your loved ones. And trust me, I'm not one to be lenient." A dark tone escaped him, his once nicer demeanor long gone.

Wazowski looked at him with fear, it was clear he was more dangerous than monster he's ever engaged with. He had a remorseful look, it was either being with him or death to people important to him.


















It's been weeks.

Voldermort decided to allow Wazowski some time to get used to his new life.

Wazowski cut off everyone. His best friend, Sully, his girlfriend Celia; the hardest to let go of. He left his job the day Voldemort came.

All of those who knew and cared for Wazowski were left with an empty reason to his departure.

Now here Wazowski was, getting tailored for his wedding, his professionally made suit (dress?). He looked in the mirror, a look of emptiness but sorrow.

Admittedly the castle (??? I haven't read Harry Potter in a while, bare with me 😭) Voldemort brought him to was beautiful. The architecture was absolutely eye catching.

(Why am I putting so much effort into a crackship... it's literally 2:39 AM.)

'Why? There are so many others that he could've taken. I had a life ahead of me, a beautiful girlfriend that was going to be the one in my shoes. Yet here I am, trapped.'

Before Wazowski's thoughts could continue, a clap was heard from behind him. "You may go now." Voldemort commanded to the workers, treading forwards to Wazowski. He looked through Wazowski's eye from the mirror, hands clasped behind his back. "Just as I imagined." Voldermort whispered, leaning down to Wazowski's height

Wazowski didn't answer, he just stared back. His expression unwavering, remaining practically robotic around Voldemort. The snake-faced man sighed as he went back to his full height. "This is suspected, I suppose," the wizard said thoughtfully. He hummed with an indifferent smile on his face,"no reason to try to make you like me. You're stuck with me weather you like it or not."

With that Voldemort walked away, leaving Wazowski back with his thoughts. Once the monster heard the door close, he could only drop to his knees. As he cried he looked in the mirror, seeing a mess that couldn't be fixed.


















Harps and pianos played, doves in flight, beautiful petals thrown, and cake. It was a gorgeous scene, too bad it was in Wazowski's demise.

The bouquet in hand, a gothic look to them. A grey veil covered Wazoski as he treaded down the path of black rose petals. The columns of seats filled with strangers to Wazoski, minions of Voldemort 's.

Voldemort stood there, hands behind his back. Lucius Malfory's dad, Voldemort'd right hand man, stood behind the pulpit. Wazoski finally made it to the stand hesitent to continue his tracks.

He finally stepped up face to face, or well face to knee with Voldemort. He couldn't being himself to look his captor in the eye. His mind only runing with how it ended up like this for him.

Wazoski dryly recited his scripted vows as Voldemort spoke his. "You may now kiss." Wazoski closed his eyes as Voldemort lifted him for a depressing kiss. A malicious smile on Voldemort's face as he placed a spell on his kiss.

Wazoski's mind originally filled with anger an hatred to Voldemort. Was randomly flooded with love and care for Voldemort, he slowly found himself forgetting the ones closest to him. He smiled obsessively at Voldemort.

"You are now husband and husband."



Sorry for the super long wait on this, I started my arc on becoming a model !

Also got busy with school work and art and all of that stuff

Hope you enjoyed this!!

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