Bob x Big bird (part 2)

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Italics = a/n

This was made by Nyx all by Voidself


Big bird looked down with a blushed face and said to Bob,"I uhm...I like you Bob.." Bob looked surprised and then he--

3rd person POV

As Bob was about speak out of no where a figure came running towards him.

(Don't ask why i drew this)
It was Spongebob...He jumped into Bob's lap, and eyed at at Big Bird. Big bird gasped, but played it off telling Bob,"Oh...uh I think the teacher is calling me! You know how being school council president is!" Big Bird ran off, Bob reached out towards him but, Spongebob held him down.

Spongebob's POV
(Before he arrived to the roof)

'I can't wait to see Bob! He's so hot.. I don't know why he sees so much in that whore. What was his name...Big bird.' As I was walking up to the rooftop to see Bob since I knew that's where he usually sits I hear someone talking to him. I hide in the door way listening in. "Bob...I like you.." Of course that feathered bitch tries to take the man of mines, even though he doesn't know yet. I run in a jump into his lap, looking that hoe right in the eyes. Making sure he knows I already called dibs. Just like that he made a excuse to leave and ran off! I held down my beautiful tomato man down from reaching back out towards him. He doesn't need him. He has me!

Bob's POV
(Before spongebob came to the roof)

'OMG! My love..he..he loves me!' I thought to myself. As I was going to tell him that I felt the same, someone got on top of me. "You know I think I have work to do at student council!" Big bird says. I try to grab him so he doesn't leave but someone holds me down.

Spongebob... of course it was him. He's been crushing on me since 7th grade, ugh. I never showed any attraction towards him. He always tried to get with everyone to make me jealous. It only made my hate to him grow, but this. HE INTERRUPTS ME FINALLY GETTING WITH MY ONE AND ONLY?! it's okay... it's ok I'll just have to... Remove. The. Problem. Not now though... it's not the right time I need to plan. OH I KNOW!

"Hey, when did you even get here? And why..?" I asked the sponge. "To see you babe!" He responds. BABE?! He has the audacity to call me babe after scaring off big bird. "Isn't that sweet~ hm, you have to promise me something." "Of course, honey! What is it?" He asks with anticipation.

"Meet me at the Ratatouille restaurant, I'll have a treat for you. You can't tell anyone though! You know how well your words spread. It's not suprising though you have the sweetest voice. So please don't ruin our  moment with the gossip just yet."

The sponge nodded with excitement. "OKAY!""Now my sponge, I think I have to go to class~ remember meet me there at 9"

I move him off to me and walk off to my class. I laugh to myself, knowing this will be the most close to a date he'll get with me.

Big Bird's POV

I ran off crying.
I knew Bob didn't like Spongebob very much.. I don't know why I ran off! I'm so stupid.

As I was sitting down crying a voice spoked to me.

It was Lisa. A old crush of mine's she asked,"Hey, what's with the sad face Birdie?"

I shaked my head and lifted my hands. "Nothing Lisa! I'm fine" I reassured her.  She gave me 'We both know you're lying' face.

I sighed and gave in,"Well it's just that, something happened while I was confessing to someone." "How so?" "Spongebob.. he got in between me and crush while I was confessing.."

Lisa gasped,"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry.. you know how Spongebob is." "Yeah I know, but it did still hurt."

Lisa sighed then had a hopeful look on her face. "Well Birdie I think we both know Bob will reject Spongebob, just like the other times. Besides you have a greater chance with him, you guys are close with each other don't worry!"

I wiped my tears then smiled a little bit. "Your right! Thank you Lisa" me and Lisa hugged. I got up and started walking back to Bob happily.

I then got a message from someone unknown on my phone...

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