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y/n's pov

I sat in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory at my desk. I'm listening to the recording of the campfire song sung the night Percy arrived at camp. I hum along while drawing the Hermes cabin, the place that has housed me during the summers since I was 9. I go to camp half-blood because I'm a half-blood, half mortal, half Greek god, and somehow also a witch. Percy got to camp durring my second year, I'm only a year younger than him and Annabeth. I don't know who my godly parent is, I haven't been claimed and I can't narrow it down to gender because I have both back in (wherever you live).

 The drawing was turning out great, probably because Annabeth taught me how to draw buildings and gave me a geometry set to use for drawing buildings. Camp is my second family and Hogwarts is my third, even if I don't have any friends here. On the subject of family my biological family and I only talk around holidays but I don't go to their house anymore. Two summers ago everything came crashing down, Luke (basically my brother) turned against us and wanted to kill all the gods he even asked me if I would join him, he has gone insane. A tear fell onto the drawing and I threw my head back in frustration.

 The drawing was only in pencil so far. while the tear dried I added detail to the background and the roof of the cabin. After the song finished my playlist continued. I didn't even notice the trio run into the dormitory locking the door behind them. I sat singing along with them hearing everything! Out of the corner of my eye, I see what I assume to be Crook Shanks then appear in my line of view tilting my head I see Ron! I stop singing and pause my song, turning around. "Hey what were you singing?" said Hermione. What do I say? Why are they even in here? "Umm something my friends made for me before I left for school. Why are you all in here?"(not in a rude way)

Third pov

It was silent for a moment. Then Harry said "We upset the Weasley twins and are trying to keep our dignity" "ooooh! Ok, I understand. How long are we stuck here then?" They all shared a glance and then looked over at the h/c girl "A while" they all said at once. 

During the time they spent stuck in the girls' dormitory, they became closer. Although y/n didn't know if this 'friendship' would continue in public. They talked about their favorite magical animals, what they want to be as adults, favorite drinks, the teacher they like the most and why. y/n had to refrain from bringing up nectar and ambrosia while they were talking about drinks. They also brought up y/n's drawing of the Greek cabin with confusion. She told them she had seen it in her dreams which wasn't a lie. They all laughed when Ron said "You better not bring up your dreams with Mrs. Trelawney" It was honestly really fun.

when the time came the boys left it was 10:30. Then Hermione said "I'm upset we hadn't become friends sooner. I guess we didn't talk because I was so caught up in my studies." her voice came out smooth and tired. "Well I'm also to blame, don't feel bad," y/n said climbing into bed.

563 words

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