A Book Sitting Unfinished

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My goal in life is to be able to make someone cry with my words.

y/n's pov

It's long after Christmas and I've begun to feel slightly excluded, so as a coping mechanism, I have been preparing myself for an internal battle of emotions. Remembering how I went through the day before most of them were taken over by the second-best trio, I fell into the same melancholy routine. The reasoning for their sudden disinterest in me I am unaware of. Honestly, they've known me for less than a year and have decided that I am already an uninteresting story to put back on the shelves.

My heart was aching and my mind running, could I teach myself how to brew veritaserum and ask them why they feel the need to hurt me the only way I'm not trained to deal with it? Would I be able to convince Drew to Charm Speak them into an explanation of why they don't seem to like me anymore?

Why should they like me? Why do I want them to? Is it because I wanted a somewhat normal group of friends? Or because I like them too much that I would be heartbroken if I didn't meet their standers?

I guess we'll never know because they ....put this book back on the shelf.

My daze snapped and shattered like the window would if I don't open it. My owl, Arial(meaning: Of Elfish Nature, of Biblical origin), is a long-eared owl! Just seeing him makes my mood improve the slightest amount. He hopped onto the windowsill and then glided onto my shoulder. As the wind of his wings waft in my face I realize a tear had slipped down my face. As the tears dry on my face my skin tightens. I untie the letter from Arial and set it on my desk, right now I need to get to the great hall and eat supper, before leaving I rinse off my face and put my owl in his cage. My soft steps are the only sound in the hallways except for the distant hum of talking and laughter in the great hall. Who would I sit with, will there be a spot for me, reserved by someone who cares enough?

The talking of people sounded muffled and far away. I continue to my table and comb through the students who would help lull me into a false sense of happiness that I will end up convincing myself isn't false after all. 

I might take a break to re-watch the movie, totally forgot about the continence of the third year. lol😬.

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