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My family just got back from camping and I'm trying to avoid them so here's another chapter.

y/n's pov

Christmas break is starting and I can't wait to return to Camp Half-Blood, Percy won't be there so we're probably safe for the two weeks I'm away from school. 

 I'm on the train with lavender, who is asleep on the booth mirroring me. I hadn't put on my robes this morning, instead I wore a pear of loosely fitting jeans and a over sized band t-shirt that's tucked into my pants.

 We could arrive any minute now. During the ride I had talked to Lavender, gone over what we learned this school year so far, when lavender fell asleep I put my wand with my recorder then put my recorder with the rest of my stuff. I had planed everything pretty well, I had two drawstring bags, one with an S on the front (for Sickles) and the other with a D (for Drachmas). The train stopped with a jerk making Lavender sit up then fall the other way, then slide of the seat onto the floor. I try not to burst out with laughter because she most likely just woke up and probably doesn't want me laughing in her face.

She sat up on her elbows, still on the floor, with her curly hair covering her face. "You need help up?" I finished asking then cut myself of with a chuckle. Lavender let her head fall back, making most of her hair fall off her face and to the floor. "That would be nice." she noted without opening her eyes and a tired voice. I stand up off my booth and Lavender opens and eye probably hearing my movement, I walk in over her and extend my hand she opens her other eye and shifts her weight to one of her elbows and takes my hand. I make sure she has a good grip on my hand then I start to pull her up.

We collect our bags and exit the compartment. while walking down the train hallway we make small talk. After stepping off the train and taking a deep breath through my nose expecting the smell of fresh grass and flowers I instantly regret it. I covered my mouth with my elbow and coughed surprise for the smell of burning coal, sweaty people and dust which was nothing like the smell I smelled each time I came through while heading back to Hogwarts.

While walking through the brick wall I walked through only a few months ago I closed my eyes and open them when I know I'm all the way through. The whole walk out of the train station I looked around at all the people around my, sort of hoping to see my parents even though when I used to rather to not ever see them again. I didn't see them but that sort of relives me, my feelings towards my parents are complicated, I want them to like me but I don't want to like them. One of them cheated on the other, so how can I trust them? I do love that I'm a demi-god but it's hard. I apparently stood on the sidewalk now. I took another step to the edge of the kerb and raised my wand arm. The bus zoomed in front of me and I stepped onto the bus with my bags weighing me down. 

"I'm going to the beach please" I said as I got out 12 of my 24 Sickles from one of my small drawstring bags, specifically the one with the S on the front and handed it to the bus driver. I quickly grabbed one of the poles in the bus, holding onto my bags hoping I won't accidentally let one go and it hit another passenger. The bus arrived at the beach in an instant and I hopped off and ran to the shore and grabbed a seashell, the one that I got from Tyson, from the pocket of my bag and didn't hesitate to blow the end of the seashell making a noise only herd by rainbow, a Hippocampus that Tyson gave me a 'whistle' for.

 I stood on the dock for five minutes and only then the water started to ripple from the creatures ascend to the shore. When the waters tension broke and the Hippocampus came as close to me as it could, stopping at the dock. I balanced my trunk on the Hippocampus's back then lowered myself on after all without wetting my clothes. I didn't have to say a word and Rainbow knew that I was ready for him to start our journey to New York. I eventually lent forward onto my trunk and fell asleep, now having given up on keeping my pants dry.

 When I woke up it was to Rainbow whining, telling me that I need to hold onto my stuff and hang on because we're going under. I suck in a breath and grab my bags as well as I could, before I left Hogwarts I put a charm on my trunk to keep everything inside dry. When we went under my eyes were closed and my whole body froze rigid in the cold water. 

(i know the journey from England to New York is six days but this is fantasy) The five hours that it took to meet up with (one of the other side Pegasus that we will call) Zexus were very cold and painful. But eventually Rainbow stopped swimming and there was a gust of wind in my face, making me feel as though I was buried in ice and was inhaling the smell of very strong scented mint gum, the kind that makes your eyes water. I was practically crying my eyes dry.

The transition from Rainbow to Zexus was a bit complicated, but it was a good change to be dry even if I was still shivering. My trunk is currently hanging below Zexus and I. Instead of having stirrups the saddle continued down and then connected making a hammock for my trunk and It still hugged the horse's stomach so the whole thing didn't fall off. Another agonizing two hours and we arrived at Camp Half-Blood. When we got there it was around supper time. Zexus flew us to the stables, thank the gods, its always so warm in there. 

I tried to jump off Zexus but ended up falling to the floor nearly missing my trunk. Oh wow, so graceful, do you have a fear of heights? Said Zexus in a taunting voice that only I could hear at the moment. "No I don't have a fear of heights but I have barely used my legs today, AND I probably have hypothermia after being dragged through ice cold water for hours on end, and then having wind blowing in my face making me colder than a snake in Antarctica!" 

Standing up proved to be difficult. My knees where shaking and Zexus was cackling rather loudly inside my mind.

"OH MY GODS! y/n you look half dead!" shrieked a shocked Silena Beauregard. She ran up to me without tripping on the uneven stable floors probably having memorized the lumps and dents unintentionally.

After Silena got Charlie Beckendorf he saw how (apparently) appalling I look he threw me over his shoulder, taking me to the Infirmary. But I did't get to eat supper. The last thing I saw before passing out was everyone pointing at me and gasping, it could be because I told them I would be coming a week later. Or my appalling state?

Longest chapter! Took forever though.

about 1288 words

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