Thanks To Hypnos

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My fucking gods! 500 people are reading my story! thank you♥ 

y/n's pov

The rides back to England were as painful as ever. The trip on the night bus was so pleasant I got a few Z in. when I got to the train station I was still tired so I quickly made my way to a compartment and fell asleep as fast as I could.

I drifted out of  my sleep thankful for the dreamless nap. I didn't open my eyes in hopes of keeping the feeling of no terrifying prophecy at the moment. there where faint whispers tempting me to open up my eyes to see who's there. It's most likely Ron, Hermione and Harry so I let it be and shut out their whispers. I sit there for a good while, while my buds talked until I felt ready to be awake. The sun pierced my eyes so squinting was the only option, eventually when my eyes adjusted I realize I'd been leaning on Ro-Blaise Zabini!?

 I stayed still and showed no sign of concussions, why did they choose this compartment? Why not another one without a sleeping Gryffindor? And why am I leaning on Zanbini!? I 'stirred' as if still asleep so I don't give myself away. Is Blaise wearing cologne?


 The train ride was much longer while awake, but I did end up dosing off a few times, thank you Hypnos!

After exiting the train I headed up to the common room....

sorry it's short!

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