In Class Thoughts

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Third pov

It was now the end of the day, and Divation, y/n was half listening, not that she liked the class or understood what Mrs. Trelawney was saying but visions were sort of her thing, being a demigod. All day y/n had been noticing similarity's in her two lives. The night bus and the Chariot of Damnation, which she knew of because that's how she gets between camp and Hogwarts but she also use Hippocampus and pegsie to get across the ocean. Even in her friends Harry and Percy both were chosen 'randomly', have y's in their names and have no choice but to save everyone.

 Annabeth and Hermione both would work until the accomplish everything they set as goals. Ron and Grover both live to eat but Grover is a vegan and Ron loves his chicken, y/n only knows because he was complaining about how he was craving chicken while they where stuck in the girls dormitory. 

Then y/n was called on by her teacher, Mrs. Trelawney "Now how about y/n tells us about her latest vision." She said with excitement. y/n would get the odd 'can you help me with Divation's class' but she would have to turn them down. Everyone turned towards her as she started talking, it was very awkward. "I'm running down the halls of a muggle school with a girl she has curly blond hair, there's also a boy he has curly brown hair and when we get to the end of the hall, there's a boy with black hair and sea green eyes looking shaken up he's being taken away by a tall man along with two other children."

y/n's pov

I left out many parts of the vision, like how Grover was saying to stay out of site because the man had poisonous knives and how I knew the people in my vision. Everyone gave a polite round of applause and continued with their work. After class I walked back to the common room only to be slowed down by my new friends. "hey um how do your visions come?" Harry said walking behind me "are they real or do you just come up with them?" Ron asked after "Ronald don't be rude!". "They're real and they come while I'm zoning out or asleep" I replied while I slowed my speed so I was between them.

Turned out they where ok being seen with me and we got really close during the school year. 

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