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Jake invited Cassie to his house. He knew that Lucky would cheer her up. While she played with the kitten, Jake put out some dry clothing and then brought her a towel for her hair.

"Thank you," Cassie said, then sneezed violently.

When Cassie sneezed again he said, "on my bed is a clean shirt and track pants. Go change."

She was too cold and wet to argue, so Cassie went upstairs and put on the clothes he'd set out. While looking at herself in his mirror, that's when she heard the banging on Jake's front door. Jake opened the door and Adam pushed his way in.

"Back off Jake, Cassie doesn't need you encouraging her to be reckless."

Jake stood his ground, "what? You want me to let her see her father alone? No way."

Adam stood inches from Jake, ready to fight. "She's my girlfriend.  Stop pushing her to explore her black magic! You're using her for her power.  Her magic is dangerous and so are you."

Jake and Adam were inches from each other.  Jake coldly said, "I will tell you only once. I will not abandon Cassie if she asks for my help. I don't care if it offends you."

Lucky who had been sitting on the bottom of the stairs, hissed at Adam. His hair stood on end and he growled.  He looked like he was about to attack Adam. He made himself as big as he could, not liking the intruder.

Jake stared into Adam's eyes.  With a very dangerous undertone he said, "now get out of my house."

Adam hesitated a second.  Power radiated from Jake and he wasn't sure if he was angry enough to push Jake further.  He left, shouting over his shoulder, "stay away from Cassie." He got into his Ford and left with tires squealing.

"Asshole," Jake said as he closed the door, before Lucky could get out.

Upstairs Cassie had heard everything.  She couldn't believe Adam had just done that. She was also surprised that Jake hadn't physically punished Adam for getting in his face. She went down stairs quickly.


"I'm in the kitchen," came his reply.

She found him downing a rum and coke. She could tell he was struggling to keep his cool. His eyes showed how furious he still was. Lucky was on the counter, trying to get Jake to pet him. The kitten kept head-butting Jake's arms and side. Trying to get his attention.

"Thank you for not telling Adam I was here," Cassie said.

"It didn't even occur to me," Jake replied. He made her a rum and coke too.

"I'm sorry for all of this," Cassie added taking a sip of the drink.

"It's not your fault.  I'm not turning my back on you just because the magic in you is volatile." Jake explained. Then with annoyance he said, "Geeze Lucky! Okay I'll pet you."

Cassie smiled, "I heard Lucky hiss at Adam."

Jake slowly grinned, "he even growled and puffed up like a little lion."

"Too cute, I wish I had seen that.  Who knew you had a soft heart for animals" Cassie downed her rum and coke.

Jake refilled her glass and his as well. "Let's get out of the kitchen." He didn't want to discuss his weaknesses.

They walked into his living room, with Lucky following. "So what do you think your grandmother will say about your father being in town?"

"I don't know. Last time she didn't even remember him, when I showed her the Blackwell family tree. She forgot other things too. I had to tell her twice that Faye's grandfather had been killed."

"I hope it's not serious like Alzheimers."

"You and me both," Cassie agreed.

Lucky jumped up and sat on the couch arm near Cassie. Without even realizing she was doing it, she stroked his head. The rum was going down easily for them both. Every glass they finished, made them relax just that much more. They sat in silence a few minutes, the only sound was Lucky's purring.

"Why are you still dating Adam?" Jake broke the silence. "Lately it seems he just makes you unhappy."

" I... I don't know. I'm wondering that myself. He's less and less the person who I thought he was," Cassie confessed. She put her empty glass on the table.

Jake had the pop and rum handy and refilled both their glasses. Cassie was feeling a little buzzed from the alcohol, but welcomed the feeling.

"Maybe while my magic is out of control I shouldn't date anyone."

Jake looked at her, "maybe or maybe you're just dating the wrong person."

Cassie was feeling light headed and stood up to get a glass of water. But she did it too quick, lost her balance and ended up falling into Jake's lap. She giggled, "I guess we were meant to get closer."

He took advantage of her position and kissed her. His fingers danced tantalizingly on the back of her neck. Shivers of pleasure ran from her head to her toes. She put her hands under his shirt, sliding them up his chiselled chest. Cassie nuzzled his neck, kissing her way up to his mouth. Where ever they touched each other, their skin felt on fire. She helped him take off his shirt completely. Neither of them wanted to stop, he picked her up easily and carried her upstairs. She took that opportunity to nibble on his neck. Jake put her on his bed, she didn't resist. He took his sweat-shirt off her and kissed every inch of her exposed skin.

"Cassie if we don't stop now, I wont want to stop later," Jake said between kisses.

"Will you get mad if I say we should stop?" Cassie asked after a few minutes of intense kissing.

Jake stopped and rolled on to his back. He took a big deep breath, then sat up. Cassie looked at him, worry written all over her face.

"I can wait, for now."

"Thank you for not being mad. I have to stop things with Adam first. I didn't mean to lead you on."

"Relax Cassie," Jake reassured, he didn't want her to get upset again. He kissed her nose, which made her smile.

Then she kissed his nose and proceeded to tickle him. They did that to each other until they both fell on the floor. "Okay you win," Cassie laughed.

Jake tossed her a shirt and put one on himself. "I'll walk you home."

They went down stairs and he did just that.  At her door he said, "you should be proud of yourself. Twice you controlled your magic. And you had the courage to see your father."

She nodded. "Good night Jake."

"Good night Cassie."

Once inside her house, she checked her cell phone. Adam had not called or texted her. They needed to talk without fighting. But that would have to wait until tomorrow.

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